Chapter Fourteen

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That morning, Pearl woke up in a familiar situation. She was on Sam's couch again with a throbbing headache and Seth by her side holding a glass of water.

"How are you feeling." He asked, handing her the glass.

Pearl didn't answer him, she didn't even take a sip from the cup, she was took occupied with a smell that flooded her senses.

"Is that food?" She asked and whipped her head around to where the smell was coming from.

In the kitchen, there was a young woman with dark hair tied in pig tails, wearing an apron and cooking something over the stove.

"Hold on Pearl." Seth tried to stop her but Pearl had already gotten up from the couch and rushed over to the kitchen.

"Oh hello, you must be Pearl." The woman had a kind voice, and seemed to know who she was.

"I'm Emily." She said, dusting her hands on her apron before offering her hand to Pearl.

"I thought Leah was the only girl in the pack." Pearl said as she noted the scar running down her face and presumed it happened during a wolf phase.

"Oh sweetie, I'm not apart of the pack." Emily chuckled shaking her head.

"You're as good as it." Sam joined them, coming down the stairs. He walked over to Emily and wrapped his arm around her waist, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Pearl, this is Emily, my imprint." He introduced and Pearl made an 'o' shape with her mouth, understanding.

"What'cha cooking?" Pearl tried to sound casual but her stomach growling gave her away.

"It will be ready in moment darling." Emily laughed lightly and turned back to the stove.

"Look Pearl," Sam started, leaning his hands on the kitchen bench. "I'm sorry about yesterday, I told the others to say those things about you." He apologised.

"You told them to make fun of me for almost drowning?" Pearl asked. It seemed every time she thought Sam wasn't that bad, he would go and do something to piss her off on purpose.

"After I realised the cliff diving wasn't working, I thought that getting you worked up would, and it did!" Sam put his hands in the air in a defensive way.

Pearl sighed and bit her lip, knowing he was right but not wanting to admit it.

"I know you've always hated me in the past, but if you're going to be apart of the pack, you'll need to get used to me being around all the time, and take orders from me even if you don't want to." Sam said seriously.

"I don't hate you Sam. Like you told me in the woods that day, I just never understood, but now I do." Pearl smiled warmly, turning her head to Seth showing she really did understand.

"It'll be nice to have another girl around here." Emily joined them again, except this time she slid a plate filler with chocolate chip pancakes that oozed maple syrup.

"Is that pancakes I smell?" A loud voice walked into the house. Jared raced to the kitchen along with the rest of the pack following.

"Uh ah!" Emily smacked his hand away from Pearl's plate. "They're for Pearl and Pearl only." She said sternly to Jared.

"If you're hungry, eat this." Sam threw a green apple at Jared which he effortlessly caught but pouted when he saw what it was.

"Okay." He whined and sunk into one of the kitchen chairs, the rest of the boys doing the same, not one of them taking their eyes off of Pearl's breakfast.

As she chewed away at the large tower of pancakes, Pearl noticed Jacob was acting strange. He didn't sit with the others, instead he was on the couch with his head hung low.

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