Chapter Thirty Five

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Pearl woke up that morning to a heavy warmth encasing her.

When she opened her eyes she realised it was a sleeping Seth.

He was snoring softly behind her, being the big spoon, and still holding her tightly despite his unconsciousness.

"Oh, Seth." Pearl sighed sweetly, taking in his features on his face that were soft with sleep.

She wiggled her way around so she was facing him and gently brushed a piece of hair that had fallen in front of his face.

It seemed her touch had woken Seth up as he started to groan softly, starting to stir while pulling her tighter into his chest.

"Seth!" Pearl giggled as she was completely trapped in his arms.

"Mm – my Pearl." Seth's morning voice rumbled in his chest, Pearl could feel the vibrations on her cheek.

"Did I wake you?" Pearl whispered softly, her own voice croaking at a higher pitch than Seth's.

"It's a good thing you did." Seth smiled lazily, brushing his fingers up and down Pearl's bare side sending shivers through her skin. "Would've missed all this." He leaned into her and kissed her soft lips.

"I think you've had quite enough of all this." Pearl scoffed and turned around to not face him.

"Doesn't mean I can't have more." He pulled her back into his chest, her bare ass pressing into him.

Pearl reached around and gave him a not so light tap on the face.

"Hey!" He let go of her to rub his abused skin.

"Keep it in your pants for one morning, Seth." Pearl grumbled kicking away the sheets and getting up to grab her shorts and bralette off the floor.

"It is in my pants!" Seth defended pointing to his boxers he put on after last night.

"I could still feel it!" Pearl threw his shorts at him before disappearing behind the ensuit door.

Pearl fell silent with a sigh and turned to face the mirror.

She was a mess.

Her short hair was knotted in every way possible, her eyes were veiny, lips were swollen and purple marks trailed her body.

"Greedy Wolf." Pearl mumbled and made her way to the shower, running the water as hot as possible and shutting the curtain behind her.

Pearl did not feel like this the last time she engaged in such activities with Seth.

Although Pearl had noticed that Seth was acting slightly different to the last time they did.

He was a little more rougher this time.

And Pearl was not impressed in how he convinced her to keep going after she was well and truly finished.

With her legs still slightly shaky, Pearl decided to sit down in the shower that doubled as a bath and hugged her knees to her chest, thinking about what could possibly have made Seth so worked up.

What made this time different?

Then she had a realisation.

Her brother.

Seth was jealous that one person who could possibly mean more to her than him was back and Pearl welcomed him home, after a scratch or two, with open arms.

"Pearl?" Seth's voice frightened her, not hearing him enter the bathroom. "Pearl are you okay?"

His voice was so close he must've been standing next to the shower curtain.

Pearl Black || Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now