09: Investigation

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Arthur hired some people to help them clean their house while the cops are still finding pieces of evidence, clues, and the investigation is going on.

After a few hours, the house is already cleaned and the cops haven't left yet but the cleaners already did, they said that there are no proper handprints, but they will try their best.

Arthur told his children to not worry about it and just minded their own business, while cooperating with the cops, he then received a call from Adam.

"Why did you call me?"

Adam was still in his pajamas, laying on the bed with his wife in lingerie, he remembered what happened last night, "That was your house, right?"

"What house?"

"I was watching the news and it looks like it's your house, were you robbed?"

Arthur flinched, he wondered why Adam is calling him about this, how does he know? Why was he at his house? Why would he ask him if the robbed house was Arthur's house?


Adam cleared his throat, "I was also out of town last night since it's my son's death anniversary and then I saw your house being robbed"

"And how do you know it was ours?"

"Come on, Arthur, just answer the question"

"Yes! We were robbed"

Arthur stepped outside to give them privacy, "Adam, there is a radio placed on each posts in our neighborhood and not one told the neighborhood that there was a group or murderers, I wonder why..."

Adam chuckled and he stared at the newspaper, "Look, a woman was stabbed to death" he proceeds to laugh and Arthur finds it weird.

"Why are you laughing over a woman's death?"

"Ah nothing... I laugh when I feel awkward and worried at the same time, so... Why were you robbed by the group of murderers?!"

"We were what?" Arthur raises his voice, "The group of murderers were the ones robbing my house?!" A cold shiver went through him.

"Sadly... I know how scary it is but it's better for you to leave the house. Now it's you and your family being hunted by them, good thing you were out of town!"

Arthur sighed, "There's another crime in town, we were disturbed by a woman who looked like a nun and then she was held by a gang and was stabbed to death, I didn't know what happened next, next of... We saw our house being damaged"

What happened to this neighborhood? They both thought.

"And look, Adam, the woman was the same woman who begged where her daughter, Margaret is during the second world war, did you know at that time kids were kidnapped and killed?"

"Yeah" Adam gulped, "And you watched me suffer there, you didn't help me, you saw how I was mourning over my sweet son"

"I'm so sorry" Arthur looked down in guilt, "I really have no idea on what to do"

"And you left me there while I was begging for my son to come back, I posted a lot of photos for my son, I tried to catch your wife's attention at that time but- Nevermind..."

"No, what else? You can tell me"

"I was there, I was one of the parents who were mourning... But... It's fine, good thing we're still friends huh?"

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