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Veer along with Dhruv accompanied Faruq to his house retrieve his money.  Faruq told them to wait outside while he brings the money. 

As Veer waited, he absentmindedly looked up at the terrace and caught sight of Saba, Faruq's sister, taking the hanging clothes . 

Saba's beauty struck Veer like a lightning bolt. Her radiant smile and graceful movements captivated him, making it impossible for him to tear his eyes away. He watched as she skillfully handled the clothes, her every action emanating a natural elegance.

The more Veer observed Saba, the more his fascination grew. Her simple yet captivating presence stirred emotions within him. He found himself mesmerized by her, unable to resist the allure she exuded.

However, Veer's heart torn at the thought of Yashika.

This was cheating, emotional cheating. he swore not to look at Saba without breaking up with Yashika. 

He was about to look away from Saba when a mischievous crow swooped down and, to everyone's surprise, dropped a small, but unfortunate, gift right into Veer's open mouth. The unexpected splat startled Veer, causing him to sputter and spit, trying to rid himself of the unpleasant surprise.

Startled by the sudden commotion, Saba turned towards Veer, only to witness the hilariously absurd scene unfolding before her eyes. She couldn't contain her laughter, which bubbled up uncontrollably from deep within her.

"Oh my goodness! Veer, that's... that's just", Saba said laughing. 

"Seriously, why can't these crows have a sense of decency and aim for the toilets instead? It would save us from these "unwanted aerial surprises"!", Veer said while trying to remove his gift from the crow. 

"Veer, my friend, I've heard of having a bird's-eye view, but this is taking it to a whole new level!", Dhruv says. 

"Oh, come on, Dhruv! Just you wait, one day a crow will have its revenge on you too!", Veer said.

"Revenge? Well, I wasn't the one who forgot to watch out while watching "someone" so intensely , Dhruv said. 

As Dhruv continued to tease Veer about the crow incident, fate decided to play its own comical twist. Another mischievous crow swooped down from above and, just like before, left a little surprise for Dhruv, right on his head!

"Oh my goodness, Dhruv! Looks like the crow has a sense of poetic justice! I guess you got a taste of your own medicine!', Veer teased back. 

"I must admit, Veer, the universe does work in mysterious and hilarious ways. It seems the crows have declared a war on you both!", Sabawho just came down from the terrace said this while giving both of them a wet towel to clean themselves. 

"Saba?", Faruq said while coming out from the house, bringing money in his hands. 

"Hmm, here is 10,000 rs. I'll pay back the rest later", Faruq said while giving the money to Veer. Saba was confused about all of this. She asked about the reason for this money but none of them replied. 

"Bye Saba, see you at school tommorrow", Veer said and both Veer and Dhruv went. 

After they went, Saba asked Faruq, "What was the money for?"

"I had once burrowed money from them, so I was just paying them back", Faruq said while going upstairs. 

"But why do u need money?"


"Just do whatever you want, just don't get into Abbu's hands one day", Saba said and left. 


As Veer and Dhruv made their way home, the atmosphere shifted from laughter to a moment of introspection. Dhruv, always perceptive, couldn't help but notice the longing in Veer's gaze towards Saba. 

"Veer, I have to ask you something. The way you were looking at Saba up there on the terrace... do you have feelings for her?', Dhruv asked in a serious tone. 

"Dhruv, you know me well. Yes, I can't deny that there's a connection I feel towards Saba. It's... it's different, something I can't fully explain. But I'm in a committed relationship with Yashika, and I care about her deeply too. So, I have decided to be honest with Yashika and end our relationship", Veer said. 

"Well, if you want to have a relationship with Saba, then i think this is the best decision", Dhruv said. 

As Veer and Dhruv navigated the narrow streets of Delhi, their conversation lingered in the air, their thoughts still wrapped around the complexities of their relationships. Just as they turned a corner, their eyes fell upon a sight that shook Veer to his core. There, in the midst of the bustling street, stood Balram and Yashika, seemingly engrossed in an intimate conversation.

Veer's heart sank, his emotions a turbulent mix of anger, betrayal, and confusion. Dhruv, noticing Veer's sudden change in demeanor, followed his gaze and understood the gravity of the situation.

"Veer, take a deep breath. We don't know the full story yet. Let's approach this calmly and find out what's really happening", Dhruv said trying to calm Veer. 

*They starts to eavesdrop*

"Balram, I need you again this night", Yashika said 

"OH, is your Veer not satisfying you these days? I was the one who started this but you are the one "continuing" this. Don't blame me later on", Balram said. 

"I won't. Veer isn't as good as you when it comes to sex. He is all that because of the money he has. I'd have broken up with him by now if the Hampton scholarship didn't existed", Yashika said while laughing. 

As Veer stood at a distance, his heart sank even further as he overheard Yashika's hurtful words. They pierced through him like a thousand needles, amplifying his feelings of betrayal and inadequacy. The weight of her admission hung heavily in the air, leaving Veer feeling a mix of anger, hurt, and confusion.

Dhruv, sensing Veer's distress, looked at him with concern and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Veer, let's not create a scene here. Talk to Yashika after your anger cools down", Dhruv said while trying to hold Veer who was going towards Yashika's direction. Veer's eyes turned red due to anger, He wanted to beat the shit outta Balram

and Yashika, how could she say that?

She is definitely going to pay for that. 



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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