hunter woods (part 2)

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Flashback from a couple mins ago

Mary's pov:

When hunter went outside to see her dad, straight away you heard muffled shouting when the door closed.

I was really worried for hunter and so were the team.

when the shouting began to get louder and then it went quiet, I quickly made my way outside and the team followed to see hunters dad running at her after getting off the floor.

'DONT FORGET WHERE YOU COME FROM HUNTER YOU STUPID FUCK' was the last thing I heard when hunters dad got dragged out.

I quickly walked up to her and hugged her it took her a few seconds to know what was going on to hug me back.

'It ok just let it out ok i'm here your ok" I whispers quietly into her ear and she burried her head into my shoulder and started crying quietly.

Everyone started walking over and it ended up being a group hug.

Normal time hunters pov:

It's been a couple hours since the thing with my dad and everyone went home or so I thought so.

I was sat in the middle of the pitch staring into the distance when I heard footsteps behind me. I turn around and see sarina walking over and she doesn't say anything just sits down next to me in silence untill she broke it.

'You ok hunter?'

'Hm yeah I'm fine'

'Do you want to talk about what just happened?'

'Not really but i think i need to get some of my chest'

'Ok just take your time can I ask some questions? you don't have to answer if you don't want to'


'How long has your dad been like that?'

'Since I was 5'

'Can I know why he's like that?'

'Um yeah i-it started when I was five my dad he um he always wanted a boy so when I was born he was really disappointed and when I got older he made me go out and force me to play football even if I was too tired but he would always say "I'm going to make you the best player in the world". It was untill I was 7 he started to get abusive if I wasn't trying hard enough he would show me what happens to people that don't try so he would hit me and then make me run 5 more laps as punishment'.

'I'm so sorry hunter you've been through so much since you were young up to now. Is this why you always push yourself in training and in games?'

'It alright and yeah thats why i push myself I've gotten use to it by now but when I was younger I use to love football i thought that I had the best dad ever because he wanted to teach me something new everyday on how to play in games'.

I turned my head to the side to look at sarina when she put her arm around my shoulder and then continued.

'Truth is when I got older I realised that he didn't love me the way a parent should love a child he just did those things because it's what he wanted. So when I was about 14 years old I started to hate football even tho I still played it, it wasn't because I wanted to or i enjoyed it I did it because I didn't want to get a punishment'.

'Hunter you shouldn't of been put through that at such a young age, you can always talk to me if you need me I'm always gonna be here for you no matter what ok'

'Thank you sarina it means alot'

After that we just sat down and talked untill it got late and went our separate ways.

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