9 - Dinner

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Nimmi didn't know what to do. It was clear that she was caught up in the sight. "C'mon Dii move on.", Saurav gave her a little push to move. Descending the stairs she reached near him.

Nimmi was fidgeting with her fingers on their way out when Saurav waved them bye and wished his Dii good luck.

Like a gentleman he opened the car door for Nimmi and taking Drivers' seat he took off. Nimmi kept playing with a thread of her shirts' sleeve which was more interesting than this evening. "Should I ask him something or not? Maybe about his day? Naah..that'd be too plain.", "Stop stressing yourself out.", Vikram took her out of her thoughts his eyes still on road.

"Huh..?", Nimmi said dumbfounded. Huffing he parked his car on road side. "Look at me.", Vikram said in soft but a demanding tone. Nimmi also turned a little to face him and lifted her eyes.

"Are you not happy to be with me?", her eyes went wide and she shook her head. "No..?", Vikram asked. "No..I mean yes..I mean no...", "Nimbu kya bol rahi hai?"( Nimbus's what the hell are you saying?), she rolled her eyes on her own stupidity.

Vikram bit his lower lip trying his best to control his smile but Nimmi saw him hidind his face. She hits Vikram's shoulder and poured. "You're making fun of me."

"Of course not.", Vikram played innocent. "Look, don't be nervous. If there is something, just say it.,okay.", Vikram placed a reassuring hand on hers, that was on her lap and gave it a little squeeze.

"I ..as...actually I've never been in a date..if that's what it is?", Nimmi tells honestly. Vikram smiled on that. Holding Nimmi's hand on his palms he made her look up. "This time, between you and me will be whatever you want to call it. If you want it to be a date then it's a date. If you are not comfortable with date then we can can call it...", he thought and said, "hangout?", Nimmi smiled.

Hangout sounded much more light and relaxing. She smiled a genuine smile and Vikram started driving again. Soon they reached a spot where Vikram parked his car. It was a top view restaurant of Lucknow.

All kind of best food and beverages that you could get

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All kind of best food and beverages that you could get. Every expensive scotch and brandy that you like was placed on their shelves. Nimmi looked around and took in the place. Though she had all the money the world for such places but, she never liked going in. That doesn't mean she never did. Few times with her college friends but after third time she was done.

All of them got drunk as hell and flirting was non stop, well a little more than flirting. Vikram booked whole pool area for them. Well thats a relief not having anyone else there.

Vikram gestured her to walk and he followed her close behind. Pulling a chair for her Vikram offered her the seat. Taking a seat in front he sat. "What will you have?", Vikram asked when a waiter came to take their order. "Just water.", she smiled. "You sure?", Vikram asked, to which she nodded.

Looking up he gave his order, "2 waters please.", "No, just order what you like. It's all right.", Nimmi insisted. Vikram just gestured the waiter to go, not saying anything. "Arey(hey..)"

"If I've asked a girl out with me, who doesn't like to drink, so it's my responsibility to make her as comfortable as possible.", Vikram said in a hushed tone, leaning in.
This man really is a gentleman.

"Let's order.", Nimmi said averting her eyes from his piercing gaze. Looking at the menu she looked at dishes. She started thinking if she should order a pizza or just a salad. "Yaar Nimbu, pehle hi Nimbu ki tarah gol hai,(c'mon Nimbu, you're already round like a Lemon) what will he think?", her subconscious mocked.

No matter how hard you try, but somehow your insecurities takes the best out of you. Making you think twice before acting in front of someone. "Greek salad.", with too much of enthusiasm she tells. Hoping he doesn't think of her as pretender.

Vikram looked her with a suspicious look but didn't say anything. Looking at the menu and understanding Nimmi's expressions he ordered lasagna. Which clearly showed a sign of regret on her face.

Soon their food arrived and the waiter placed it in front of them. Vikram waited for her to start and when she took a bite of her salad, there was just a blank and not soo blank expression on her face.

"Do you like it?", to which she just gave a absolutely ridiculous fake smile, which was obvious from miles away. Vikram smiled and a chuckle escaped his lip. Not asking her anything he just took Nimmi's plate and switched it with his. "I think you're going to like it better.", sliding away Nimmi's fork from her fingers Vikram starts eating with it.

"But it..", before she could say anything Vikram took a bite out of salad with that same fork. Sitting back he relaxed and kept looking at her. Nimmi couldn't hold his gaze and averted her eyes concentrating on her lasagna. And this time her smile was like a child. Just pure and so genuine.

For next 15 minutes she forgot where she was or who she was with. Vikram puts his hand under his chin and completely concentrating on how she was so carefree and unpretending right now. Which just made him fall a little more for her.

Vikram's eyes went to few boys who were sitting inside but their eyes were in Nimmi. The way they were looking did not suit well with him. Throwing his napkin he stood. "Excuse me.", saying he went to give a piece of mind to them.

"Huh..? What happened to him?", Nimmi turned to Look when she saw him walking towards few boys. Vikram stood there with his hands in pocket and ice cold look. His 6,2 and perfect build was making those young boys soo small.

Nimmi couldn't hear but he was definitely scaring the hell out of them. Just then a manager came apologising and called some security to throw the boys out.

Just when they were leaving, one of the picked a beer bottle to hit when Nimmi screamed Vikram's name about to run towards him. Just then her foot slipped and she fell in the pool. Vikram turned just on time and security guy held that boys hand when they heard a loud splash. All this happened too quickly that neither Vikram nor anyone understood until he saw Nimmi in water.

Without waiting for another second he rushed towards the pool throwing his jacket on the way and dived in.
BAs itna hi...rest for tomorrow 😘
Tab tak

rest for tomorrow 😘Tab tak

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Uu a uu uu aa...chedo na insta humara😂...sorry bad joke

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