49 - Real Truth

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Sorry all for not posting yesterday. But I think it was worth it because I never celebrated janamashtmi like I did yesterday....❤️❤️❤️pure love, bliss of Madhav....

"Are you sure?", someone asked from the other side of the phone. "More than I'll ever be.", replied Vikram.

"Well then, see you there.", saying the person cuts the call.

Vikram was standing by the dressing station of Nimmi. Looking straight into the mirror. Something changed in him, like he was on mission to rip everything into shreads. It felt like a devil was awaken in him suddenly.

The morning he was not looking broken and shedded. Instead there was a dark look in his eyes as he was rolling up his sleeves looking in the mirror. Picking up his stuff Vikram left the room.

Everyone was sitting on the breakfast table, as they saw Vikram walking towards them. Which did shocked them. Since Nimmi left he always kept to himself, never talking to anyone, he was always either in office, in his personal study or his room.

He never did once sat with his family to eat. Ananya, Raghav and Nani were happy to see him here. Ranasa was shocked and definitely unpleased and Ranisa had a neutral look on her face. She never showed much of her emotions making it hard to understand what she might actually be feeling.

Vikram's coronation still wasn't held, but he was officially announced as next king. He refused to take the throne until his Begum isn't beside him. Not saying anything, Taking the head chair he noticed something unusual.

There was someone else sitting on the left chair which just made him clench his jaw.
But he did not want to distract his mind. Not right now, so instead he took his chair and started with his breakfast.

There was a scaring silence during the whole time Vikram sat there. No one uttered a single word in front of him.

After finishing his breakfast, he was about to leave when Raghav called, "Bhai wait, I'm also done, we'll leave together."he finished keeping his glass of juice down.

"No Raghav, I'm not going to the office.", Vikram replied standing up and leaving his napkin.

"What do you mean?", asked his Nani. "I've got something important to deal with. Need to take some decisions for this house.", saying the last line he roamed his eyes on each and everyone on that table, maybe a little extra on someone in specific.

Saying he left from there. While he was on his way, cellphone came running towards him in the middle of the living room. He was barking non stop. "Hey boy what's wrong huh?", Vikram caressed his back but Cellphone was not at all stopping.

He kept on pulling him somewhere. Not understanding what he was doing Vikram just followed him.

Upon reaching in Ranasa and Ranisa's room, Vikram stood there trying to understand what cellphone wanted.

Looking at a drawer of bedside table he kept barking. Reluctantly Vikram opened it. Not knowing what to expect he was rumedging through the papers files and the other stuff when his eyes stopped on something in perticular.

There a piece of paper like a letter or something. It had a name written on it that took him by surprise.

"RAM", there was only one person in whole world that called him by that name.
Reading that name tears filled his eyes. Vikram's eyes were full of unshed tears and each of them was holding a memory of his Begum.

Taking a deep breath he took it and standing up Vikram left from the room. Something in him was telling that this letter will answer all his questions.

"C'mon buddy. Let's go.", saying so both left from there. For some reason Cellphone was not leaving Vikram at all. Even when he left the house so that he can go and also read the letter, his buddy was adamant to not leave his side.

Not having any other option Vikram buckled him and rides out of the palace. Upon reaching a barren road Vikram parked the car on the dirt road .

Taking a deep breath and calming his nerves he took that peace of paper out hoping and wishing it to be the last piece of puzzle.

His fingers traced the name gently felling his Begum on it. Slowly he turned the folds and there it was.

Her whole heart, he pain, her love, her want, the truth. Each word holding so much agony and torture l that it felt like someone was stabbing Vikram again and again by those words. Tears that were holding back for so long started shedding non stop.

He came out of his seat for some much needed air. "AHH....!!!", "AHH...!", Vikram did not care about anything right now. He was screaming his heart out. He kept punching the bonnet of his car again and again in frustration and feeling completely helpless, regretting for not being in that moment.

His kuckles turned red, his car got a dent on car. He nostrils were flaring with anger and his evl demon was awakening in him.

"You all will pay for this. You started this game and I will end it, my way.", he gritted under his tears. "You played your chance, now it's my turn to do the final check and mate.", his grin that was on his face was the most dangerous one that he ever had.

Vikram sat back in his car. While buckling his seat his eyes went to Cellphone who was just sitting there sad. Vikram smiled at him and rubbed his ears. "Mumma is coming back, very soon. And this time we will bring her together.", Cellphone's ears perked up as he jumped amd started barking in excitement.

Soon both Vikram and his buddy reached, what looked like an out house or something. It looked really nice and well maintained. But little did anyone no, it was Vikram's personal hell hole for all his enemies.

If anyone ever reached this place and is being tied here, the chances were he might not come out same.

As much as he wanted to go in, his feet were trembling at the same. His grip on steering wheel tightens. Because this was the same place where he found his Nimmi that night. The worst nightmare of his life. The place that took away all happiness and smile from his Begum.

In that very place was that person tied up who was part of this disgusting act.

A Bark took him out of his thought and he came out of his self pitty journey. "Ram, now is not the time to think all this. I need to finish some business in there."

Saying this he opens the car door for him and his cellphone and both stood there. "Just a little more wait Begum. I coming for you, but before that I have to clean away some garbage. And, you need to know the real truth about yourself ."
That's it for today...

See you all in next.

See you all in next

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