19 - Punishment?

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I'm back with my grand entry

So now, without wasting any time let's get back on track

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So now, without wasting any time let's get back on track.

"Bye", Nimmi mouthed and left with her family. Vikram also did a two finger salute gesture as a bye with a devilish smile. "Don't..", he said when he saw his sister's face who was about to say something to tease him and left for his room.

Two different people from two different world who just met with a coincidence were about to step into a new life. There were thousands of emotions running inside. Million questions that were to be answered by each step they gonna take together.

But most importantly, for Nimmi. She had to fight the biggest war to get into Vikram's special place in his heart. There was a want, a need but she wanted it to take it to love. She was gonna give everything in her to make Vikram teach how to love. He was the man of his words, she knew he would never do anything that she won't be comfortable and respect is always first for him.

"I promise Ram, you'll change but only for good.", Nimmi looked his picture on her phone's screen. Kissing it she smiled giddily and went into duvet and into a deep slumber.

Next few days went quickly with whole family preparing for wedding after getting the date fixed after 20 days.

Nimmi was getting more and more shy after Vikram flirtatious side was coming out. He would leave no chance to tease her during their phone conversations.

Every time he'd tease and Nimmi would cut the call saying a quick goodbye.

Nimmi was in canteen with her friend Rishi, thinking of the way to tell him about her marriage. She knew that Rishi had developed a liking towards her but she liked Vikram. But she didn't want to loose his friendship either. At the same time she knew that not telling him the truth was injustice to him.

He was saying something while munching on his sandwich but Nimmi was lost her her thoughts. She looked at him, took a deep breath, "Rishi, I'm getting married in 15 days.", and just like that she opened all the cards.

Rishi's hand stops midway and a blank look was on his face. He was quick to hide it giving a warm smile. That's amazing chotu, I'm very happy for you. Whose the lucky guy.", he wiggled his brows.

Nimmi was confused by his reaction. She was about to ask something when he cut her words, "oh god we are getting late let's go.", "Stop it, and look at me.", Rishi turned but he was not exactly looking at her. "I know what you feel about me. But I also didn't want this friendship to be ruined. You're my first real friend. But now I feel that I was wrong for not being clear about things.", Nimmi was feeling guilty.

"No, chutkan please..don't be. I always knew you don't feel anything about me. That's why I didn't tried perusing." Rishi sat back holding her hand. "I was just shocked, suddenly hearing this news.", "You don't need to guilt trip yourself.", Nimmi gave a small smile.

She puts her other hand on his, "Thank you so much for understanding and I'm sorry for not telling you before.", they both smiled to each other when a voice took their attention.

A clearing of throat that was from Vikram. "Hope I'm not disturbing.", he was looking with a intense cold gaze at their hands. Hands in pocket jaw clenched. He was trying his best not to do anything unlikely.

Nimmi looked up and so does Rishi. They both pulled their hands with Nimmi a little hesitant. "Hi, how are you man? It's been long.", Rishi forwarded his hand to shake. But Vikram just kept staring at their hands. Nimmi stood beside him and elbowed him when he looked first at her and then Rishi.

Just when Rishi was about to pull back ,  Vikram gives a firm handshake. A fake smile plastered on his lips. "How's it going?", he looked at both of them. "Nothing just a casual conversation.", "by the way Nimmi you didn't tell me, who's the lucky guy?", Rishi looked at the back where Nimmi was standing behind Vikram.

"That would be me.", he answered in a deep dominant tone as if he was claiming her by words, before Nimmi could say anything. "Congratulations man. You really are lucky to have her.", Rishi pats his shoulders and they both shakes hands again this time with a genuine smile on Vikram's face when he saw his girl.

"Anyways, we'll take your leave now. It was nice meeting you.", Rishi smiled at both while Nimmi was a bit reluctant to his behavior and also to where was she supposed to go. But didn't say anything.

The moment Rishi left Vikram turned and pulled Nimmi closer from her forearm and her hands landed on his firm chest. Her eyes went twice the size seeing his boldness.

"This is much better.", Vikram puts a strand of loose hair behind her ear that escaped her long loose braid and pinned her glasses back. Nimmi looked down blushing profoundly.

"Where are we going?", Nimmi looked up to ask when she remembered what Vikram said. He just shuddered his shoulder nonchalantly. She knitted her brows thought and realization hits her.

Nimmi gasped "You lied.", hitting his shoulder a little to much forcefully. "Oh god, did I hurt you.", Rubbing the place where she hits. Vikram didn't say anything, instead he just kept giving an intense look looking down at her.

Nimmi was blabbering all along when she looked up only to see his dark orbs fixed in her.

"Let's go", was all he said and held her hand. He started walking and Nimmi hurriedly picked her bag to follow him to the parking lot. Opening the door for her he helped her to sit in and went to sit behind the wheels.

"You upset?", Nimmi asked nervously biting her lower lip and fingers fidgeting when Vikram looked at her and pulled her closer. "Maybe", his thumb caressing on her jawline.

"I...I'm...soo..", "So, now you're gonna be punished.", Vikram curled her hair strand around his finger when he told her in a low husky tone. "Punishment?", Nimmi gave a stunned expression. "Shh...", and what he did next made Nimmi freeze for a moment.
That's it for today my dear dandelions

———————That's it for today my dear dandelions

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Here's a group picture of you all.❤️❤️

But I won't change,,, soo

My lovely readers planning after getting cliffhanger on the chapter that they got after more than one week

My lovely readers planning after getting cliffhanger on the chapter that they got after more than one week

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