Chapter 7: The Aftermath

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SMG4: Auri?!

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SMG4: Auri?!

Auri: *pukes* 🤮

Mr. Monitor: Auri, take it easy! Everything's gonna be alright!!!

Auri: Don't you lot understand?! Our Chief Inspector has just been murdered!!! I had to stand there while he was getting his ass kicked!!!

SMG4: Auri, listen mate... it's not your fault!

Auri: Well, it was my fault for raiding that flat... and we're nowhere near nicking Dylan's ass!!!

SMG4: Mate...

Auri: This day is going from worse to even more worse!!!


Mr. Monitor: *sigh* One second...


SMG4: Talk to me, Auri...

Auri: *sigh* I'm gonna lose my job...

SMG4: What makes you say that?!

Auri: My boss is dead... and, everyone is gonna say that it was my fault for raiding Zayn Wright's flat for no reason...

SMG4: I see.

Auri: Do you know what's worse?! The local Newspapers will be all over my ass!!!

Mr. Monitor: Um... Auri? Chief Inkling was on the phone... he wants a word with you in person.

Auri: *sigh* That's what I freaking need...

Mr. Monitor: And, the Governor is on his way.

Auri: *pukes* 🤮

At the Castle...

Rob: Hey, guys!

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Rob: Hey, guys!

Bob: What's up, Rob?

Rob: Happy Birthday, Boopkins!

Boopkins: Thanks, Rob...

JubJub: Hi, Rob...

Rob: Hello, Pizza-Face.

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