Boston Outskirts- Chapter Eleven

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I sigh in relief, all of them finally being dead as I look around to confirm for a moment before lowering my gun, my heart still beating insanely quickly.

"You alright?" Joel asks Tess in a soft tone and I'm nearly sick on the spot from their lovey dovey behaviour.

"Twisted ankle... but, yea-" She starts to speak, clearly out of breath.

"How about we all take this as a lesson to be fucking quiet next time."
I cut off Tess with a scoff and a glare towards her and Joel.

"Sorry-" Ellie starts to speak in an apologetic and guilty tone.

"Not you. You're excused." I say, pointing towards her with a dismissive wave and she just nods her head, looking away with a slight confused expression.

"We didn't even do anything, it was the stupid kid." Joel grunts with a glare towards me.

"You're a stupid kid." I say with a glare, walking over to Ellie to try and get away from him with a scoff.

"You alright?" I ask her with a nod.

"Well, I didn't shit my pants, so..." She jokes and I can't help but laugh at her comment.

"Somehow I didn't either." I say with a smirk.

Silence over comes us for a moment before she speaks again in a whisper so only the two of us can hear.

"It wouldn't hurt to be a little nicer to them two you know." She whispers.

"Thanks for the suggestion but I'll pass." I say with a glare.

"But why?" She asks with her eyebrows raised.

"They make me feel like I'm about to be sick... with their flirting." I mutter the last bit so she hopefully doesn't hear or comment about it but her faces lights up into a mocking smile as I say it.

"Sounds like someone's jealous." She says suggestively as she wiggles her eyebrows playfully.

"I am not!" I say in a defensive tone.

"Yeah okay." She says sarcastically.

"It's just..." I start speaking but trail off, not even knowing what I am going to say, or what I'm even really thinking.

"Yeah well I don't know. But I do know that in this world, people die. Everyone you love dies. So why even bother." I say in a blunt tone with a slight hint of mocking as I hold my hands up slightly in a shrug.

"Dark..." She mutters, looking at the ground but I can tell I sort of his a nerve there but I don't say anything else.

She rolls up her sleeves and sees blood trickle down her arm, it's a god damn another bite mark.

God let's hope she's actually immune and it wasn't just a one off.

I instantly take a step closer towards Joel and Tess, you know... just in case she tries to brutally murder me.

They exchange glances with each other when they spot the bite.

"I mean... if it was going to happen to one of us." She says with a sigh.

I spot the look on Tess's face when she says that and I can't help but feel a burning feeling that something with off but I just ignore it... for now anyways.

Being good at deducing people definitely helps in an apocalypse but let's hope I'm just being paranoid.

"True." I say to Ellie after a moment of silence.

"But still... just because you were bit and didn't turn doesn't mean you won't turn this time around." I say in a serious tone.

"Well I'm assuming it does." Ellie mumble with a concerned glance.

"Could of just been... a really shit clicker. Or whatever you got bit by..." I say with a shrug and a confused expression.

"Not sure that's how it works." Joel speaks, with a mocking tone.

"Well I'm not sure being infected and not turning is how life works but here we are." I shoot back.

"Hey. Let's get the fuck out of here." Tess interrupts our arguing.

"Agreed." I say with a glare.

Date finished- 2/7/23
date updated- 17/6/24
Word counts- 681 words

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