Surprises Aren't Always Good

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Chapter Nine:

"It's already begun, I can feel it," Gandalf said gravely.

"What has?" Gimli asked loudly.

"Penny, she has a telepathic connection to Sauron's eye. It can tell her things in advance to an attack or information about a stranger. But holding this power comes with a great price to pay. It will take her life on this journey. I fear for Peregrin Took for he has grown close to her and her to him. It would be another devastating blow to him if Penny died. There is nothing we can do for her now," Gandalf said staring off into the rising sun.

"Does she know this?" Aragorn asked.

"I have seen her start to pick up on things here and there, but she doesn't understand them. I'm afraid we have led this hobbit to her death," was Gandalf's grave reply.

"What are we to do now?" Legolas asked.

"I think it would be best for both of them to split up for good. It would be too emotional for Peregrin and he still has a part to play in this war with or without Penny. She has to be told sooner or later, and it won't be a pleasant surprise," Gandalf said. He sounded very upset himself.

All four looked over at Pippin and Penny who were huddled close together whispering. Merry slept just beyond them. The sky was beginning to turn a pale orange and the gray clouds slowly became white. A day of traveling to Rohan and it was the last place anyone really wanted to go.


Packed and loaded onto the four horses, (Gandalf had called another one by the wind), the eight companions set out. Despite the broken Fellowship, it seemed to be slowly reforming day by day. But would it last?

They rode fast all day. The ground was a blur beneath the horses pounding hooves. The sky was blue and streaked with the puffy whiteness if clouds. Penny sat behind Pippin with her arms wrapped around his waist and watched the world pass by at an alarming pace. She began to grow tired and laid her chin in his shoulder. Sleep was impossible on a horse, but Penny could rest with her eyes closed for a while. Pippin also seemed to be growing tired. Rohan was so far from Iséngard and they didn't seem to be getting closer. Just before Penny was about to give up on this journey, the four horses crested a hill and the village of Rohan spread out before them with the great hall at the top of the hill adjacent to the one the eight were on top of. Entering the village, the group was careful not to attract attention. According to Gandalf, they were meeting with King Theoden for urgent matters. Penny knew that 'urgent matters' meant that he couldn't tell Merry, Pippin, or herself. Leaving the horses with the gatekeeper, Gandalf led them up the steps to Theoden's hall. The guards at the door let them in and firmly locked the doors once everyone was inside. The hall was old and hewn for stone. The walls had tapestries hanging all over and at the very back and middle of the hall, sat a decrepit throne with what looked like the remains of a dead king sitting in it.

"All rise, hail King Theoden, ruler of Rohan," Gandalf said to the remains.

The skeletal figure stirred and sat up in it's throne with a lot of effort. Pippin was surprised it was still alive!

"Hehe, heh, hehe," the King laughed before breaking into a fit of coughs,"You have no power here, Gandalf Stormcrow!" That last remark was in a voice that wasn't Theoden's.

"Sarumon," Gandalf cursed and raised his staff. He boldly stepped forward and began chanting, first quietly, and then growing. Theoden was thrown back in his throne and began to look like he should. His tangle of a gray beard and hair became a well trimmed goatee and short, golden hair. His ragged clothes were turned back to robes of a king. Theoden sat up slowly, breathing deeply and staring at everyone.

"Breath the air again, my friend," Gandalf smiled.

A young women with the same wavy, golden hair and pale skin, ran from an adjoining room and knelt in front of the king. He smiled at her like a father would to his daughter and she returned it before bowing and leaving again. Pippin watched Aragorn's eyes follow her out. They had the same expression as when he had watched Penny the first time. Smiling inwardly, he reached out and took Penny's hand. She smiled back at him.

Gandalf and Theoden had finished making plans and accommodations for one evening only. After they had all gone off on their separate ways, Gandalf took the hobbits aside. He explained the situation at hand; Merry and Pippin were to remain in Rohan while himself, Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, and Penny traveled to Gondor to prepare for battle. They were leaving in the early hours of the morning. Pippin and Penny were horrified at losing each other, again! Gandalf wouldn't say why, only that it was important they were separated. He left them to their thoughts and retired to his own quarters. Merry had nothing to say to either of his friends, so he went to his room to sleep. Penny broke down sobbing and Pippin cried too. They held each other for hours until they could cry no more. Penny held him close as if that would make a difference in Gandalf's decision.

"Penny, look at me," Pippin said shakily. She stared up into his green eyes intently. "We will see each other again after this war, I promise," he told her. She nodded and said,"I will look for you always." The last three hours, they tried to sleep.

The morning came to early for both of them. Penny didn't leave his side for Pippin's remaining time in Rohan. When it was time to say goodbyes, she hugged Merry and kissed Pippin gently after holding him.

"I love you Pippin," she whispered in his ear.

"I love you too Penny," he whispered back.

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