Chapter 13 - 8 vs 2

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TW: sa

Tuesday 6:37 p.m

Gracie's POV

Me and Lucy haven't met up since the party, that was a month ago. We still kept in touch, but couldn't meet because most of the time she had to go to work. And now she's finally free.

Matthew gave me a kiss goodbye and I could see Lucy's face was more shocked than seeing a dead person. Turning around, I could feel Lucy's stare in my back. She hugged me so tight I almost stopped breathing.

"GRACIEEEE! It's been so longg, how are you? And what was just that?!" Lucy said letting go of me. "Hey, lucy! I know it's been like years since we last saw eachother" I said with a giggle and Lucy joining me laughing. "Anyways i'm doing great to be honest, what about you?" I said and we started walking to our favourite restaurant in town. "I'm great yeah, working half the time and i'm always exhausted. What's up with you and Matthew? I LITERALLY SAW YOU KISSING. spill the tea please my life is so boring." Lucy said and I started laughing almost hitting a pole with my shoulder.

I told Lucy EVERYTHING what was happening in my life at the moment. We talked about me and Matthew and I even told her that he isn't telling what his job is. "How weird is that right?!" i said while sipping my water. "Maybe he's like a serial killer or something" Lucy joked about and we both started to laugh.

For the rest of the evening we just ate and talked shit about everything as we usually do. I really did miss her.

It was now 6:07 p.m. Time was flying by. "It was nice seeing you Lucy, i really missed this!" I said hugging her for the last time today. "Yeah it was fun, bye Gracie, if something happens between you and Matthew let me know straight away!" She said letting me go. We exchanged our goodbye's and went out separate ways. Calling Matthew to come pick me up I asked him to bring me a jacket since im cold.

I was walking by the sidewalk and there were these guys. They looked my age maybe a little older. Matthew was on his way and he had my location so I felt safe. "hEy CuTiE" One of them said. I just ignored them and started walking to the other side of the road. "LoOk aT HeR AsS" The other said and all of them started coming to me. I was wearing a black dress with puffy long sleeves and high heels. Not the greatest outfit to run in, but I did.

Running up a hill my feet were already sore and they were still following me. I started to slow down and then they caught up to me. They surronded me in a circle and I was in the middle of it. Some dude started touching my hair, the other one my waist and so on. I shouted 'no' or 'stop' a million times but they didn't. We were up in an alleyway and that made it even more scary.

Matthew/Smile POV

I was driving and Jake spotted some men in the alleyway. They were surrounding a girl that had the same dress as Gracie. The girl turned around and it was Gracie. I slammed the brakes and got out of the car with jake. "TOUCH HER ONE MORE TIME AND YOU'RE DEAD" i said making them turn around to face me and jake. "What will you do huh? There are 8 of us and only 2 of you's" some man said and his friends just laughed. Me and Jake didn't even look at each other we started punching those dudes in the face. Even though they were 8, we were smarter. We took all of them out in 15 minutes, blood dripping everywhere. They weren't dead, just knocked out. "Gracie are you okay?" I said running up to her. She just nodded her head and didn't say anything.

Jake opened the passenger door for her and I wrapped her up in my sweatshirt. "Hey what did they do to you?" Jake asked. "They, uhm.." Gracie started and we waited for her to continue. "They um touched me, i swear i told them to stop i just-" Gracie said and I stopped her with a hug cause she started crying. I didn't say anything, neither did jake. He sat silently in the backseat. "Do you want to go home, or drive around to calm down?" i asked and she told me to drive around. Jake said that he would go too so we went around town to drive around.

I glimpsed at Gracie time to time. I knew that Jake was with us but I didn't care at this point. Keeping my eyes on the road I put my hand on Gracie's hand squeezing it a little and then letting it go. I knew jake saw us cause when I looked at the mirror he gave me a shocked expression but he knew to keep quiet.

"Guys i don't know about you, but my ass is asking for some food." Jake said and Gracie's lips formed a smile. "Where do you wanna go to eat" I asked and placed my hand on Gracie's thigh and she placed her hand on mine. "GAS STATION" jake shouted and gracie started to giggle a little.

We finally got to the gas station. "by the way MATTHEW you're paying." Jake said and i just nodded. Jake was like a toddler in the gas station, he wanted EVERYTHING. Gracie's mood was a lot better but she still kept quiet. We got lots of candy and just snacks in general. Gracie got a water and when we walked out she held my hand. Our fingers interlocked. "Hey guys, what about a car sleepover today? I have blankets in the trunk and shit" I said and everyone agreed.

Getting the trunk ready was the funniest. Lots of smiles and laughs between it. Gracie changed her clothes, I had clothes for her in the back. We got comgortable and went and just talked for ours until we wanted to sleep.

"Night Jake" Me and Gracie said in sync. "Night love" I said and gave a kiss to Gracie. "Jake you just keep you big ass mouth shut about this" Gracie said. "Thanks for the compliment on my big ass, and sure don't worry your secrets safe in my ass!" He said as we all dozzed off..


(1156 words)

HEY GUYS! how are y'all?! i hope you are doing great! This part is more sensitive because of the topic and i hope that no one has to deal with this ever. If you ever have been sa'd please tell a grown up! Btw opinions on this chapter??

Love you guys to the moon and back! Don't forget to stay hydrated and eat!

Vote and comment on this chapter!!:)

Sorry for any spelling mistakes!

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