Chapter 18 - Action

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Wednesday 6:32 a.m

Matthew's POV

"You fucking hoe" I heard from outside my door. Gracie woke up in my arms cause of all the shouting happening, curled in a ball. Walking through the door I could hear Jake and Noah. Great, the two dumbest people are fighting.

"Guys what happened?" I asked while rubbing my eyes. I was still half asleep and I could hear Gracie trying to get comfortable in the bed. "NOAH ATE THE LAST ICE CREAM THAT HAD MY FUCKING NAME ON IT" Jake said and I started laughing. "I'll buy you more if you just shut the fuck up" Noah said cause he woke up not too long ago too" Jake nodded skipping to his room. I looked over at Noah and he just looked pissed that somebody woke him up so I didn't ask him anything and just went back to my room.

"What was that about?" Gracie asked stepping out of the bed. "Noah and Jake fighting over some stuff, now get back to bed" I said grabbing her by the waist and kissing her forehead, she just nodded and went back to bed. But I couldn't sleep.

I felt so fucking bad that I had to lie to Gracie about my job, but I can't tell her. Ever. If she finds out it's not gonna go well nor for me or her. I tried not thinking about it, but lately I've been overthinking it more than ever. Let's just hope everything goes well, cause just look at her, she's the most innocent person I know, she couldn't hurt a fly.

I couldn't sleep at all and then just decided to scroll through my phone. Nothing interesting really popped up except that TikTok showed me a video where it said "Should you really trust your girlfriend?" and they never showed me videos like that, but I didn't believe that crap so it didn't really mattered. Without even realizing it was already 8:47 am. and Gracie started to wake up.

"Morning beautiful" I said wrapping my arm around her shoulders. "Morning" she said sleepy. "What are we doing today?" She asked and I told her that I had to leave today so she is going to Lucy's. "We're leaving at 11 am. so soon"  I told her. "I'm gonna miss you" She told me with a kiss. We talked for what felt like hours, but then I got up to take a shower cause we had to leave soon.

Gracie's POV

Matthew went to take a shower so I texted Lucy about or plan. She told me that we could just video call and I would show her everything that I had found and later go to hers. I deleted all of mine and hers chats so nobody could find evidence of us doing this. "Damn we are smart" I whispered underneath my breath as Matthew walked out with only a towel around his waist. He looked so hot.

*Time skip*

The guys walked out the door and I said my goodbye's. Matthew told me to go to Lucy's by 3pm so I was safe. He told me he had a driver coming to pick me up at 3 pm as well. "Bye love, I'm gonna miss you so much" I told him and hugged him my last goodbye. Jake was jealous but that didn't matter now. I stood outside as they drove out of the driveway, as the gates closed I sprung into action. I had no time to spare after all.

"Lucy pick up" I said and then she picked up after 2 more rings. "Are they gone?" She asked and I nodded. I went up in to that weird meeting room. I showed Lucy the drawer that was locked and the 'Rules' sheet. "What kind of rules are these" she said. "Try to pick out the lock of the drawer" She said. I tried opening first and It opened. They probably forgot to lock it up. "Are they stupid" were the only words coming out of Lucy's mouth.

I was shocked to what was in the drawer. An envelope with information of the people who were killed by the famous mafia killer Smile, a gun and even my information. "What the fuck.." I said and Lucy was to shock to say anything. And that drawer was named 'Matthew'. I took some photos of it.

"Lucy I'm coming over right now i don't care come and get me" I said running out of the room and slamming the door behind, grabbing my bag and some box that Matthew packed me. "Okay send me your location" she said and we ended the call. The car ride was kind of silent. We just talked about random things but not the most important thing - the room.

We got to her house and she held my hand before stepping out of the car. "Hey you know I'm with you" She said and I nodded. We got out and walked to her house. She unlocked the door and I placed my next to the kitchen table. "So what did you find, it was a bit blurry but the only thing I saw was a gun" Lucy said.

I told her everything that I found. "Gracie you have to give this information to the police!" She semi-yelled. "But he's my boyfriend and what if this is just like fake or something" I said but I knew that everything was real, I needed to snap back in to reality.

"Omg." I said. Lucy asked what was wrong. "I remember that the guys took me somewhere like just to be with me and Matthew didn't go and in that time of period some Sebastian Anderson, the person funding our college's and school's, he was killed in that time of period and Matthew had some blood on his hands but i just thought something happened.." We stayed silent for a minute after this.

"You know that you have to break up with him and frame him" Lucy said. "I know but I'm gonna confront him first." I said. Lucy tried talking me out of it but I wasn't gonna budge.

"But it all makes perfect sense now. The dots are all connected," I started.

"Matthew's the fucking killer smile.."


(1037 words)

Hello everyone, finally updated silly love, the story is coming to an end, not yet but fast. Kinda sad BUT TYSM FOR 10 K GUYS WHAT THE HELL?! Y'ALL ARE CRAZY BUT TY LIKE FR. cant even than you enough:)

Stay hydrated and eat! Love you lots!!:)

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