Chapter 17 - Finding Out

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TW: self harm, eating disorder, panic attacks.

Sunday 3:27 p.m

Matthew's POV

I woke up to Gracie not being in bed. I slept in good today. For the past couple of days she's been really off lately. I don't know what happened, and she isn't saying anything. I guess you could say i'm getting suspicious of her.

I went to the bathroom to check and there i saw her. With blood all over her hands. "Gracie?.." i said. I was shocked. I knew she had done self harm, when we had our moment, but i didn't know she did it until now. The scars were faded when I saw them.

I could see Gracie's face just froze. Her whole body did. She didn't know what to do. "Baby.." I said walking to her and she just started crying in my arms. "Let's get this fixed okay?" I said and started cleaning up the cuts.

After cleaning up her cuts i put her down on the bed and went to get a medical cit from my bed side table. I always had one there. "Gracie, you know i told you to talk with me for anything. Why did you do that to your pretty body?" I asked calmly. I didn't want to scare her.

After a couple minutes she sighed and started talking. "I never liked myself. My mom always used to treat me like shit and just i guess she found me as a mistake cause she had me at 17 years old. When my father left my mom always used to say it was my fault and i just started to believe her i guess. I used to be way worse, i've gotten a bit better over the time. It's just that my eating disorder has gotten worse, i think that nobody will like me because of my body. I'm just so fucking fat. I'm so sorry for not telling you i'm such a fucking disgrace, i really do trust you i just.." she said with tears pouring from her eyes.

"Matthew I can't breathe" she said. She was having a panic attack. I always knew how to deal with panic attacks cause Noah used to have them. "Okay, love follow my breathing, 1,2,3 breathe in" i said now taking her in my arms.

"And breathe out" I said stroking her back. This girl was in a lot of pain since childhood. I'm not gonna let anybody touch her again. She's been through enough.

After a couple minutes her breathing went back to normal. "Gracie, you've been through so much in your life and you're so strong. I'll help you get better. I promise nothing ever will happen like this again. I won't let anybody touch a finger on you." I said hugging her. "You can tell me more about this later now we're going to eat." I said carrying her out of bed.

Gracie's POV

I hate that Matthew knew everything now. I hate myself for telling him that.

We got downstairs and Matthew put me on the kitchen island. "What do you want?" He asked giving me a kiss. "Just some pasta will be good, but you really don't need to do this for me.." i said. "I want you to get better" he said giving me one last kiss before getting the pasta from a drawer and putting it in a water to boil.

I watched Matthew do everything perfectly. I still have like 40% chances that he isn't in the mafia. This man couldn't hurt anybody who didn't do anything to him.

"Foods ready!" He said and put the plates on the kitchen island and i sat down next to him. I took a bite and my body almost thanked me. I haven't har a home made dish done in a long time.

"This is really good babe" i said eating the pasta and he smiled at me. "Thank you love" he said. We ate our pasta fairly quickly and it was now 5:19 p.m.

"What are we doing today?" I asked. "Well we can just chill if you want really, after the day you had let's just stay home" he said putting the dishes in the sink. "Can we watch the summer I turned prettyy?" I asked and he sighed but nodded. "THANK YOUU" i shouted running to the sofa.

We were already done with 2 episode of season one. "Hey where are the other's?" I asked giving him a quick look, but he was already looking at me. "They aren't gonna be here all week, oh and by the way i have some sad news" Matthew said and I paused the tv. "From Wednesday to Friday i'm not gonna be home, and I don't really want to leave you alone after, you know.." he said and i nodded. "So i already called Lucy and told her you are coming over again for a couple of days. You can come back if you want just don't bring anybody in the house. Even Lucy" he said. I was a bit suspicious but oh well.

"Okay we'll probably just stay at her place like all the time, i'll maybe come her to get something that i missed. I said giving him a kiss.

"I don't like cam, fuck him" i said. "HE DID NOTHING WRONG" Matthew half shouted. "Team Conrad all the way" i said with a smile on my face. Matthew just sighed and put his head on my lap and i played with his hair. We finished like 6 episodes before realising that the sunset was really pretty. "Can we go for a car ride pleasee" i begged Matthew and of course he said yes.

We git in the car and I was wearing shorts today. There's no reason to hide the scars from him anymore. I started fidgeting with my hands and then Matthew saw me and took my arms. My hands were so small compared to his. Two of my hands fit in his one hand as a comparison.

The sunset was beautiful. The sky was orange with some yellow and pink stripes as well. "It's so beautiful, isn't it?" I said keeping my eyes on the sky. It was starting to fade away but it was still beautiful. "Not as beautiful as you though" he said and we started laughing. "That's so cheesy, never do that again" i said laughing my ass off by now. We drove around town and got home.

It was already dark and I was soo sleepy for no reason. Matthew had to carry me upstairs. He put me down to bed and turned on the tv. I woke up cause i have to change. I changed so quickly, even though i was half asleep. I dropped to bed and Matthew was now only in his boxers. I didn't care, he always slept like that.

We watched the tv but then I fell asleep not even 15 minutes in to some kind of movie.

"Love you Gracie Hansley, goodnight.." Matthew said. But how did he know my last name? I never told him that..

(1189) words

Hello everybody! These are some fast uploads to be honest but i hope you like them! I have this random motivation to write these day so be happy while you still have it:,)

Love you lots, take care guys, eat and stay hydrated! If you are even dealing with any mental health issues please try to get help!!

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