Chapter 15 - The Gold

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Wednesday 10:38 a.m

Gracie's POV

I woke up to somebody kissing my neck. Opening my eyes I saw dirty blonde hair all messed up. "Good morning to you to Matthew" I said messing up his already messed up hair. "Morning love" he said kissing my cheek.

He was already awake for some time. He was just waiting for me to wake up. How cute. We laid in bed for a couple more minutes before Matthews maid opened the doors. "Hello sir, here's the breakfast you ordered" she said putting dow two plates. One on Matthew's side of the bed and one on mine. "Thanks Lauren" he said. She just gave him a quick smile closing the door behind her.

"I'm not a breakfast type of person you know?" I said and he just held a fork next to my mouth for me to shut up i guessed. The plate contained pancakes, maple syrup on top and some bacon and eggs. "Love i'm really not hungry right now i'm gonna put this in the fridge for later okay?" I said standing up and putting my robe on to walk downstairs.

He gave me a sad look. I knew he didn't like when i didn't eat, but i have to keep loosing weight. I need to.

"Baby then just leave it on the bedside table. We'll take it downstairs when we get out of bed, mkay?" Matthew said stopping me. Of course i nodded and went back in to his arms. "You know even though i've only been with you for a couple of months, i gotta say they have been the best with you" I said laying down on his chest.

"Aww Gracie, thats so cute i love you so much" He said. "Hey but you know that you can tell me everything right? I won't get mad or something" i said. I just had this gut feeling that he was hiding something from me. "Yeah I know love don't worry" he said and I just sighed.

"Hey." He said and I gave him a quick "mhm?" Not gonna lie i was a little mad at him. I just felt like he didn't tell me everything. "Look at me" he said so I sat in his lap and looked at him, his hands now on my waist. Matthew left one of his hands on my waist and he out the other one under my chin, pulling me closet to him. He kissed me. It wasn't rough or anything. It was just..perfect.

"I love you" he said after we pulled apart. "Love you too" i said and hugged him tightly. "Wanna watch our favourite?" He asked smiling at me. Gosh that smile. "Breaking bad?" I asked sitting up now excitedly. Matthew just nodded his head and turned on the tv clicking on 'Netflix'

Matthew/Smile POV

Me and Gracie basically laid in bed for half of the day just watching breaking bad. I made her eat some of her breakfast and she did. I was so proud of her. But today was the important day. The gold. Today we had to go to that fucking ship and take that gold. I just didn't know how to get Gracie out of the house..

"Hey babe," i started. "Do you want to go to Lucy's today? Spent the night? Cause me and the boys are thinking about having a boys night out, and I don't want you alone in the house" finishing my sentence Gracie turned all of her attention towards me. "Sure, i'll text her right now" she said grabbing her phone from the night stand. Great..

"GRACIE COME ON I HAVE TO DROP YOU OFF NOW" i shouted from downstairs. It was now 4:02p.m and I was dropping Gracie off to Lucy's. "COMING!" I heard her shout from upstairs.

She finally came down with a backpack that was filled with something. It looked like it was about to break too. "You got everything?" I asked and she nodded putting her shoes on and walking out to the car. Of course as I just sat down in the car, I gave Gracie the aux so she could play her music.

The car drive to Lucy's house wasn't even that ling. it was about 15 minutes. I kept one of my hand on Gracies upper thigh and the other on the steering wheel. Stroking my thumb up and down her thigh I looked at her. She was blushing. "Do I still make you blush?" I said and smirked at her. She went completely red and covered her face with her hands. I just started laughing but stopped as we approached Lucy's house.

I got out of the car and opened the door for Gracie. "Ooo what a true gentleman you are" she said mockingly and started laughing. "One last kiss?" She said and i pulled her in by her waist. Lucy was just staring from the window at us waiting for us to be done. "Bye babe, love you!" I said. "Love you too, bye!" She said and blew me a kiss as she entered the house hugging Lucy.

Will's POV

We waited for Matthew to get ready as it was now 6:37 p.m. I got a text from Oscar saying that we had to meet at ****** at 7 p.m. "you guys ready?" Matthew asked walking down the stairs. We all nodded. Me, noah and Liam went in one car while the other's went to Matthew's car.

The car ride was mostly just all of us having small talk with each other. "You know, I really never thought that Matthew could have a girlfriend, I never thought he would but im proud of him, I really do like Gracie and it looks like Matthew is doing everything to keep her safe from this mafia shit we have to deal with" Liam said and Noah agreed. We weren't shit talking them, we just talked about then. Not in a bad way of course.

We parked in Oscar's penthouse yard. We got greeted by everybody and lead inside. "Thank you for coming early, and thank you for Matthew on such sort notice to kill that man. I knew we said we wanted to only kidnapp him but we got all the information we needed so we didn't need him anymore" Oscar said shaking Matthew's hand.

"As you all know, we have to be at the ship before it takes off so I would say around 10 p.m, go help yourself out at the buffet and do whatever you guys want i don't really care" Oscar said making everybody laugh.

For the next three hours literally everybody just chilled. Me and henry went outside for a walk while the others were inside. I didn't realise this penthouse was huge as fuck. Like 7 story building, come on now. We walked around and henry showed me everything like some kind of guide, but i enjoyed it. Later on even the others joined us.

Oscar's POV

"Guys we have to go now" i told them as we reached the end of our little tour you could say. "Already? Has it been 3 hours?" Leo said and I nodded. Everybody got in to their cars. We were 13 guys so we took 5 cars and one car had 3 people in it. The ship wasn't far from my penthouse. I drove first so I could lead the way of course.

We got there and parked our card in an abandoned parking lot. The ship was around the block so we just walked there. "Everybody, remember the plan?" I asked and everybody nodded. We split in to three groups of 5 to go around different areas of the boat. We saw Sebastian's workers bringing the gold in to the boat. It was already dark and nobody could see us.

I signalled the other 2 groups to get their guns ready.  As they were getting the last gold box in to the ship we started moving. We started walking behind them and just making noises so they would be scared. "Who's there?!" One of them shouted. He looked around and then just shrugged it off i guess but we didn't. I told jake to shoot him and his other worker that was carrying the last box inside. He did a pretty good job. He shot them right in the head.

"Ooo headshot, good job jake" Oliver said and patted him on the back. I signalled for everybody to move in to the boat. The plan was to first of all sear the entire boat and then if you find a person, kill him. We did exactly that. "Damn boys, good job" Matthew said as we met up by the gold taking it to the cars now.

We got every bit of gold to the car. We put a bomb in the ship so that it would explode in an hour leaving no details behind. If it detects movement - it will explode then.

"Good job everybody, very nice work tonight! We finished everything in an hour and a half, that's fast as fuck" i said and everybody smiled. "Are you guys staying the night?" I asked Matthew and he shook his head. "Nah we're gonna get back home, it was nice seeing y'all" he said and we said our goodbyes to each other.

Finally, we're rich and famous...

(1669 words)

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for so long i know y'all are gonna hate me for that but im still on vacation in the uk so im writing this on my phone so sorry if its bad! I'll try to update more i promise istg.

Oh and btw if you're mixed up with all of these name so
Oscars gang's names: jack, leo, henry, daniel, ethan and oliver
Matthew's gangs names: jake, james, liam, will and noah:)
Hope this makes sense, goodbye take care y'all! Stay hydrated and eat!

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