Chapter Five.

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Adrian's eyes widen in surprise as he utters, "Yuki-san?"

Lexi's face lights up, confirming his suspicion.

"That's him!" she exclaims, her excitement palpable.

"Pardon my language, Yuki-san," she continues, her voice filled with a mix of surprise and admiration.

"Such a great man!"

Curiosity overtakes Adrian as he asks.

"How do you know him?"

A mysterious smile tugs at Lexi's lips as she replies, "As much as I would love to tell you, I can't, not right now at least."

Before Adrian can respond, he notices a flicker of discomfort in Lexi's expression.

With a sudden change in her demeanor, Lexi confesses, "I don't feel so good."

She retreats to the balcony, craving the cool evening breeze and the serenity it brings.

As the music pulses through the air, Ryan and Emma find themselves swaying to the rhythm, their bodies moving in sync with the beat. Ryan's eyes sparkle with a mischievous glint as he leans in closer to Emma.

"Do you want another drink?" he asks, his voice barely audible over the music.

Emma's face lights up with a radiant smile, her eyes shining with joy.

"I would love one, Ryan. Thank you," she replies, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

As Ryan heads to the bar, Emma takes a moment to soak in the atmosphere. The whole place seems brighter, and the energy is contagious. She can't help but feel a sense of pure happiness that surpasses her usual cheerful demeanor.

Returning with their drinks in hand, Ryan presents Emma with her preferred choice. The clink of their glass as they raise them in a silent toast, acknowledging the shared joy of the moment.

Emma takes a sip, relishing the cool liquid that refreshes her palate. "This one is sweeter, I like it," she says.

"Thank you again for inviting me tonight. I'm genuinely happy to be here."

Ryan's smile widens, a glimmer of satisfaction dancing in his eyes. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Emma. You deserve this night of fun and laughter. It's been too long since we've had a chance to just let loose and be ourselves."

Their conversation flows effortlessly, a symphony of words and laughter.

The music becomes the backdrop to their lively exchange, adding an extra layer of vibrancy to their connection.

As the night wears on, Ryan and Emma continue to dance, their laughter and animated gestures capturing the attention of those around them. They seem lost in their world, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

Amidst the music and the laughter, Ryan steals a glance at Emma, his heart filled with a sense of profound appreciation. He realizes that in Emma's presence, he feels an inexplicable happiness, a joy that goes beyond the surface.

As the night draws to a close, Ryan and Emma reluctantly bid farewell to the dance floor, their steps slowing but their spirits soaring. They make their way to a quieter corner, finding solace in each other's company.

Ryan's heart skips a beat as he spots Lexi on the balcony, her hand wavering in the air. The realization dawns upon him that she is heavily intoxicated, a state that often leads to unpredictable behavior. Concern washes over him as he swiftly turns to Emma, urging her that they should intervene and take Lexi home. Emma, understanding the gravity of the situation, nods in agreement. Knowing that their bikes have already been safely transported, Ryan assures Emma that there is a designated driver and car on standby, ready to ensure their safe journey home despite their inebriated state.

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