Chapter Twenty.

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~The Weekend Race.~

Lexi is asleep, her head on his arm as she faces him. After a couple of hours, she turns on her side, her back facing him so he can easily move his arm so she can sleep on the pillow. Adrian wakes up and takes time to look at her back and admire her before slipping his hand from her head, and neck. He grazes her neck as he slips from her neck and checks to see if he has woken her up but she is sound asleep.

He wakes up from his bed and heads to shower. As he showers, he remembers some bits and pieces of what happened at night and smiles. He dries himself off and wraps the towel, exposing his upper body, he looks at himself in the mirror as he takes his toothbrush. After brushing and drying off his body, he heads to the closet and puts on a comfortable white T-shirt and black shorts. It's hot outside so he doesn't want to wear pants.

He takes his phone and opens their chat, he texts her that he is downstairs. He sees the message pop up on her phone and sees Adrian❤️🏍️.

He smiles at it and quietly heads downstairs to the kitchen and then he opens the fridge to see if they have something to eat when Lexi wakes up.

There's a variety of groceries so he takes them out and starts washing them. He remembers that there's a store that has a variety of breakfast packages he can choose from. He wants her to have a variety to choose from.

He quickly orders as he makes his own. He turns on the TV and puts it on the sports channel to see if they're talking about the competition. They are, the journalists are also anticipating his year and how it will turn out.

After hearing enough, he changes to a streaming platform and sees that there's a new season of a show he and his friends like. It was also on the list that he had given Lexi and he can't wait to tell her. He doesn't know if she has watched it but it would be great if they watched both seasons together.

He goes back to the kitchen to chop the ingredients quickly, wondering if Lexi has woken, he doesn't want to go to the bedroom, in case he wakes her up because that'll mean that she will be disoriented if she doesn't sleep well, enough.

Lexi wakes up and takes her time to gather herself and her surroundings She turns to see the side of Adrian's bed is empty then she sits up and takes her phone. When she opens it she sees Adrian's text telling her that he is downstairs. That gives her enough time to shower, brush her teeth, and find something to wear.

She dries herself and looks to see that he has new lotions, she applies them and takes a new deodorant from the cabinet to use. She heads to the closet and sees that he left her clothes to wear. She takes his shirt and wears it, it smells like him. She checks in her bag for tight shorts she can wear underneath. She always carries shorts and pants in her bag.

She opens the door and walks down the stairs. The aroma of the food hits her before reaching the kitchen. She sees Adrian on the counter placing the food on his side and hers, there's a lot. He turns to look at her.

"Morning," he says sweetly.

"Morning," Lexi walks to him smiling.

"You cook?" she can't hide her excitement as she asks. He puts the plate down and wraps his hands around her waist.

"Yeah," Adrian says with a smile as he leans in to kiss her and she kisses him back.

He breaks the kiss and kisses the side of her neck.

"It looks good on you and I like your scent," he says in her ear, that fresh out-of-the-shower scent, which makes Lexi look the other way, looking at the breakfast laid on the table. She likes he did all this for them.

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