Chapter Eight.

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~The Gym.~

The next day.

After spending a couple of hours riding at the racetrack, Adrian takes a break and checks his phone. He sees a post from Lexi on her page, talking about the new Herdrenaline season and thanking everyone for the compliments and support. It brings a smile to his face, and he decides to send her a simple "hi" text.

As Adrian is about to put his phone away, he notices Chris walking up to him. They exchange greetings, and Chris wastes no time getting into the conversation.

"Hey, Adrian. So, I wanted to talk to you about something," Chris begins.

Adrian raises an eyebrow curiously, "Sure, what's up?"

Chris hesitates for a moment before speaking up,

"Well, as your friend, I just wanted to know, what's your deal with Lexi?"

Adrian's expression turns thoughtful as he considers the question.

"I just met her, but I do want to get to know her better."

Chris seems a bit skeptical, leaning closer to Adrian.

"I'm asking because you usually keep your distance."

Adrian looks directly into Chris's eyes and responds firmly,

"Yeah, but she knows someone very important to me."

Chris's curiosity is piqued.

"The mysterious man you always talk about?"

Adrian nods, a hint of seriousness in his gaze.

"Yes, him."

A playful smile appears on Chris's face as he teases, "So, he's not just someone you made up?"

Adrian chuckles, shaking his head. "No, I've always been honest about that."

Chris leans back, crossing his arms. "Well, I'm intrigued. What happens after you know?"

Adrian's gaze shifts back to his phone, thinking for a moment.

"We'll just have to wait and see."

As Adrian is engrossed in his conversation with Chris, his phone buzzes, indicating a new notification. He quickly glances at the screen and sees Lexi's name, accompanied by a simple "hi" message. A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips, and he feels a surge of anticipation. With a sense of excitement, he types a reply, eager to continue their conversation and delve deeper into the connection that seems to be forming between them.

Adrian: How are you today?

Lexi: I'm good, thanks. How about you?

Adrian: I'm doing well, just finished a ride at the racetrack. How's your day going?

Lexi: It's good, I'm just busy working on some Herdrenaline projects.

Adrian: It seems like you're doing an incredible job promoting it.

Lexi: Aw, thanks! It means a lot coming from you.

As Adrian types his response to Lexi's message, Chris observes him with a knowing smile. He raises an eyebrow and playfully nudges Adrian, saying,
"That's her, isn't it?"

Adrian nods excitement in his eyes. "Yes," he confirms, his voice filled with anticipation.

Chris' curiosity is piqued.

"I'm so curious to see how this pans out," he says, his tone filled with intrigue and genuine interest.

Adrian chuckles, a smile playing on his lips as he glances at Chris.

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