Chapter Eleven.

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~The Superbike Community Meet~

It's Saturday! Lexi's favorite day. With a light head from the previous night, she rises early, energized, and ready to seize the day. Engaging in her usual morning workout routine, she relishes the rush of endorphins that flood her system.

Once she is done, she showers, the warm droplets cleanse away any lingering traces of sleep. In her comfortable attire that allows freedom of movement, she checks her messages and opens the family's group chat. She delves into the depths of the herdrenaline's page, traversing through profiles of Adrian, Ryan, Emma, and others.

Lexi opens the family group chat and finds a series of pictures from the gala, including one that catches her off guard—a picture of her and Adrian together. She can't help but feel surprised by their unexpected encounter.

Her cousin, aware of the situation, sends a teasing text, playfully acknowledging the main characters of the night. Lexi joins in the banter, commenting on the pictures, and her cousin expresses her delight in being able to experience the event vicariously through the images. She showers compliments on everyone's appearance, expressing how impressed she is by their stunning looks. Despite not being physically present at the gala, she feels a sense of connection and joy through the shared moments captured in the photographs.

After sending her appreciative message, Lexi receives a reply from her cousin, who expresses a similar sentiment.

"Me too, I won't miss the next one," they respond, indicating their desire to be present at future events.

Just as Lexi is about to resume her day, her phone rings, and she sees that it's Derrick calling. Derrick is not only an event organizer but also a fellow member of the Superbike community.

Derrick informs Lexi that the setup for the event is complete and asks her what time she plans to arrive.

"I'll come at two," she responds, inquiring if there will be any races taking place. However, Derrick explains that the decision has been made to simply hang out this time. Lexi agrees, thinking it's a good idea, and expresses her intention to start preparing. Rising from the couch, she gathers her herdrenaline posters, which she always takes with her, even before getting ready.

With two hours to spare before meeting her friends, she lays out her clothes on the bed and proceeds to take a relaxing bath. Immersed in the soothing water, she plays her favorite music and can't help but sing along. Thoughts of Adrian and their encounter from the previous night cross her mind, but she decides to keep silent about it, even though she enjoyed every moment.

Before heading out, she takes a moment to decide what she wants to eat. She gazes at the various food options available at the venue and makes her choice.

Once her decision is made, she dons her new outfit, a form-fitting long-sleeve top with patterns inspired by Superbike race gears, paired with sleek leather pants. Anticipating the evening chill, she grabs a leather jacket to keep warm.

Making her way to the garage, Lexi retrieves her favorite gloves, her trusted companions for every ride. As she spots her car, memories of Adrian's car flood her mind, causing a smile to grace her lips. She secures her gloves, grabs her bag, and sets off on her bike.

Arriving at the meet, Lexi is greeted by a bustling crowd of enthusiasts. The entrance is brimming with people, including many newcomers eager to experience the Superbike community. It's a vibrant atmosphere where everyone gathers to socialize, hang out, and capture memorable moments with their bikes, creating a sense of camaraderie and excitement.

Among the crowd, she spots her friend Max, who always takes charge of organizing their Superbike meets. The air is filled with lively music, and nearby is Mike, the barista, who is also part of the organizing team. Max and Mike are brothers, each playing their role in making these events a success. Their seamless dynamic adds to the vibrant atmosphere.

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