Chapter 1

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Jack Wesley leaned against the bus shelter, watching his nemesis emerge from the department store. At his side was the wife that Jack had mistaken for an ally. Behind them was an entourage of followers. A mixture of security who scrutinised their surroundings and everyone around them, as well as assistants who carried a lot of bags.

It was cold. Jack pulled his thick jacket tight across his chest in a vain attempt to keep the warmth in. The truth was that it didn't fit well because Jack had indulged in too many biscuits while at work. In his opinion, there was nothing he could do about it.

The newly hired secretary liked to cater to his sweet tooth by bringing in home-baked biscuits. It didn't help that she happily sat on his desk, leaning forward to feed them to him. The view was incredible, and she didn't shy away from making it easy for him to see more than he should. If he could lock the doors and show her how grateful he was for the biscuits and her attention, Jack would. The problem was that if he locked the doors with her in the room, the other people in the office would ask questions. Having the king of the vampires black mailing him about his infidelities was terrible enough. Jack didn't want his staff to know.

Pulling the cap down a fraction, Jack lifted from the bus shelter and followed the vampire king down Brompton Road. He was cavorting around London without a care in the world.

Jack's plan to eliminate the pestilence was ruined when he realised the assassin was the queen of the vampires. He didn't even realise that Hawthorn was married. Jack was unaware of her existence during all the meetings he attended at the manor house. Given how the king looked at the female assistant when she occasionally entered the room, he was inclined to think that the king was a bachelor. Now though, it was different.

In all his observations of their little outings, Jack had not seen the assistant, whereas previously, he had. In the group with them today, there was only one female, and the rest were male. It made Jack wonder if they had ordered the playboy king to settle down. Maybe Hawthorn was telling the truth when he said his wife had been away for a while. If that were true, then Jack hated it because it meant he was the catalyst for her return.

When they turned down the side street, Jack glanced at the traffic. Darting and weaving, he rushed over the busy road to the sound of tooting horns and complaints. If it weren't for the risk of being recognised by someone or the media, he would have given them a rude gesture. Jack thought about the British Prime Minister jaywalking and flipping off traffic while stalking a couple and their entourage, wondering what they'd think. He glanced around the area and checked to see if any cameras were pointed at him. Thankfully, there was none that he could see.

Like every other day, they returned to an apartment building that was close to where they were at the moment. For the previous days, Jack employed spies to observe at a distance. Today was the only day he could alter his schedule and watch for himself.

Getting here and avoiding the media had been quite a task, but Jack gave them the slip. He always had a plan to escape the place, his guards and his observant wife. Getting out of Downing Street was never easy, but he'd perfected it and rarely struck an issue.

This was day five of what appeared to be a holiday for the vampire king and his queen. Maybe it was a honeymoon, or perhaps it was because of the looming holidays. Jack didn't care. All it meant to him was that it was easier to observe the vampires. He could do it at his own leisure or send a spy. A choice could be made in the morning, and no one would have to travel for several hours.

Jack continued until they reached the extensive building the vampire king had recently got as part of his new diplomatic status. Everything was hidden, and the building was technically owned by a shell company, but this place stood out like a neon sign on a dark night.

It was the consulate for a country that did not exist, but no one noticed or cared. The reality of this place was it was a haven for any vampire in London that needed the security that a consulate could provide. No one in the British government, law enforcement or armed services could enter this property without permission. Jack loathed every part of that deal.

Even though months had passed, his blood still boiled that Hawthorn had the upper hand. He couldn't change the past, but Jack vowed to alter the future. There would always be the threat that Hawthorn would expose his adulterous ways. Jack hoped that if it happened, he could show the public that he'd changed his ways since then. Jack knew it was a lie and vowed not to get caught like that again. The struggle was constant, and Jack craved the thrill of an unknown lover. He didn't care if it was a man or a woman. All he wanted was the ecstasy that he got from the encounter.

Jack maintained his distance on the other side of the laneway. From his position, he could see the group cross the road to the building. Jack wouldn't go any closer because there was no crowd cover. So, he remained in the laneway. It was full of tourists and shoppers, but it didn't stop him from noticing how the king doted on the queen. Jack surmised she was either pregnant or they were trying to conceive. It didn't matter. All Jack could see was how to make the vampire king fall. 

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