Chapter 8

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After several days of constant observations, Orin entered Hawthorn's office with an overview and the beginning of a plan. He offered a transcript of the conversations they'd captured, highlighting the parts that were interesting.

"The wife intends to go on a holiday?"

"They've argued constantly because she thinks that something is going on. She keeps saying that this is something deeper than just a misunderstanding, which is what he tried to sell it as."

"He's an idiot." Seraphina offered. "But probably had to think on the spot."

"That is likely to be true," Orin said as he sat down. "But she is leaving the residence to visit family in Europe. Our search shows that they have a house close to a prime ski slope."

"Truly riveting. How long does she plan to be away for?"

"Indefinite, but from one of the arguments, she showed the minimum would be several weeks."

"Any children?"

"Just one son who lives in New York and works as a stockbroker. He might have visited for the holidays before this, but we intercepted a call the wife made to him when Jack was at work. She told him that his father was doing something shady and had got himself into trouble with a group of unknown individuals but had walked away unscathed. Because of the lack of information that was believable, she decided to spend Christmas with her family and invited him to join her. The d word was thrown out there as well."

Hawthorn frowned at Orin, who smirked with a twitch of his eyebrow.

"Divorce. She spends her days trying to figure out what he's been doing. Even mentioned returning to us to ask what was going on. Her problem is that she couldn't remember because not only was it dark that night, but she'd taken a sleeping pill just before we stormed the house. So, she was a little groggy. Her son suggested that she avoid trying to approach what could be criminals. Most of the conversation was about what would happen if she decided to go through with the divorce. The son suggested that she think about it before rushing into something that she might regret. Personally, I think those boxes that she's taking out of the house and putting in a storage unit are a mistake. I guess she doesn't know your desire to burn the house down with her husband inside."

"You think the cops will try to pin it on her?"

"If it were me and I was planning on burning my house down, I'd remove my favourite things or items that are sentimental or irreplaceable. They could easily claim that's what she's doing."

"Well, that's her problem. However, I am happy to keep to the home invasion to make it seem plausible. What about the abductors?"

"We have gone through the police database, and I believe that we've matched all the sketches. If you could confirm,"

Orin passed the folder to Seraphina. She opened it and began looking at the large images of dubious-looking men. Closing the folder, she nodded at Orin.

"All of them."

"We will see to their demise immediately."

Orin's gaze turned to the king. His frosty glare reminded him of the conversation that they'd had after Seraphina's return. When the abductors were found, no mercy would be given. They'd inflicted pain needlessly. They'd created suffering in an already delicate mind. Giving his king a firm nod, an understanding passed between them. Orin wanted to protect Seraphina, despite their past.

"Is there anything else?"

Orin shook his head and turned his attention to Kohen.

"Not regarding the plan. There is a slight issue with the world leaders and the meeting they held. A few are demanding answers from Jack. One even mentioned that it was his campaign, and they went against their own treaty to attend the meeting."

Hawthorn sat up in his seat, glaring at Kohen. Anger bubbled quickly, prickling like white-hot heat under his skin.

"Their own treaty?"

"I know. I was curious about that too. It's a coven leader in Europe that decided to enact an extremely old law set by Levan Theoden. The law states that a coven leader may create a lesser treaty with the human government presiding over their land in order to give safety to their citizens. It also states that it can be overridden by any law passed by the king and that it must reference him as the true leader of the vampires. I contacted the leader, and he submitted a copy of the treaty while also stating that he'd sent a copy to Levan when it was created. With the copy of the treaty was a letter from Levan advising that he was pleased with the acknowledgement and found the treaty to be acceptable."

Hawthorn sighed as he leaned back in his chair.

"Maybe I should pass a law that says these treaties need to be revised when a new leader is placed. Did your father mention this?"

Seraphina shook her head.

"He never discussed business with me."

"Fine, okay. So this coven leader had the bright idea to create a treaty and protect the vampires in his area. Go back to Jack's growing issues."

"Well, more like the other leaders are having issues. Word has spread that they all attended this meeting, and there are a lot of angry coven leaders."

Hawthorn leaned back in his seat, his fingers tented in front of his face as he thought about it.

"Kohen, I think we need to send a missive to the coven leaders who reside in the areas with these politicians. Tell them that their king grants them permission to approach their respective human leaders and advise that they can create or return to their treaty, provided that they stand against Jack Wesley's mission objectives. I will grant them forgiveness if they agree to an allegiance to us. Also, send some examples of treaties to those who haven't already created one. Remind them they must seek my approval before signing with the human leader, so it would be wise to prepare it and send a copy to us. Alfie may approve it without bringing it to me for inspection, provided that it is reasonable and does not go against my reign."

"Of course."

"And I'd also like these leaders to notify Jack that they no longer accept his mission and give their withdrawal from the alliance. We also require a copy of the email that they sent to Jack that shows the date that they sent it."

Hawthorn flicked his fingers slowly, showingthat he was done and Kohen was to start immediately. With a nod, Kohen stoodand rushed out of the room.

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