Chapter 13

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With the threat of the sniper averted, Orin devised a plan to send out a decoy car and test the waters regarding an external ambush. The car would emerge from the garage and make its way through the streets of London, moving towards the sanctum.

Despite the heavy snowfall, traffic was still moving around as if it was an ordinary day. Orin warned the drivers to ensure that they drove safely and kept the weather in mind. It would be a task if they were being followed or if a pursuit broke out.

No one could see in the vehicles because of the heavy tinting, but Orin ensured that there were occupants in the rear seat as well as the standard two guards in the front. They also sent a second car out to act as security and observe the surroundings. It was standard for all movements where the king was involved to include a security detail following them. To do anything less than that would be pointless because it was guaranteed that Jack would know everything about them.

The curtains had been drawn to allow Hawthorn and Seraphina to move around the apartment without being seen. Reina remained with them when Orin was unavailable, which was too often, in her opinion. She didn't mind keeping a watchful eye on her leader, but the tension was too much. It didn't help that Hawthorn was flicking through the news stations to see what was being reported.

The decoys had been gone for at least an hour, though Hawthorn didn't know exactly when it was deployed. Frustration was setting in, and he wanted to know what was going on. He disliked being trapped in a place, hiding as if he wasn't more dangerous than the threat.

Sighing, he turned to Seraphina. Hawthorn didn't want to dredge up the memories, but curiosity was burning just as hard as the frustration.

"Did you want to go to the shops when this is over?"

She lowered the book and looked at Hawthorn curiously.

"Not really. Why?"

"I thought you might want to get whatever it was you were shopping for the other day."

"Oh," she mumbled, glancing at Reina. "I suppose that tomorrow might be alright, but I actually rang them, and they delivered it."

"So, you don't need to go out for anything?"

"Not unless you want to go out for something else or to escape these walls."

"Escape this place, yes. Anything else, no. The day before Christmas means that the shops will be chaotic with those who are buying their last-minute gifts and those who cannot organise their way out of a wet paper bag."

Seraphina chuckled.

"It's fine. I'd rather stay here."

She wanted to add the word permanently after it, but refrained from doing so. It would result in Hawthorn wanting to discuss it, which was really just another way of saying they'd argue. He'd suggest therapy again, and they'd argue about that as well. She just wanted to put it behind her and move forward.

Hawthorn knew that she didn't want to return to the sanctum, and that's why he offered to have a holiday here. If he could change where the sanctum was, he would. It was unfortunate, but beyond his control.

Initially, they planned to return before Christmas day. Something changed, and Seraphina believed Hawthorn could see her growing distaste for the sanctum. No matter how many times he said that he would change the past if he could, it didn't make any difference. Seraphina lost her entire family because of Hawthorn's father. His greed consumed him, creating a monster that would destroy so many lives. That monster would not last long on the throne. His hidden usurper was waiting for the opportune time to strike.

Hawthorn nodded, and Seraphina returned to her book. She'd barely finished skimming the paragraphs to find where she was at when Orin entered the room. He gave Reina a dismissive nod, gesturing that she was free to leave.

Orin approached the lounge, and Hawthorn pressed the mute on the remote. With a devious grin, he pointed at the screen.

"The son is now finished in the news cycle."

"Yes, I noticed that. Interesting that they swept it away so quickly. It makes me wonder if someone had a hand in it."

"Maybe someone did. Perhaps we have an ally somewhere."

"Or someone that wants it to die down quickly to avoid attention."

"Is there any chatter about that?"


Hawthorn nodded, but he wasn't sure what to think about it. Only time would tell if this being discarded so quickly was a good or bad thing.

"What about Alfie's source? What do we know about this person?"

"Nothing. All I got from Alfie was that his source has risked a lot to help us find the information about Nesrin. Now this person has informed us about the attack, which could lead to problems if Jack realises we knew beforehand."

"True. I will accept that for now, though I would like to know who our ally is. Perhaps we could be lucky and learn that it is our lovely deputy prime minister."

"We could."

"And how have the guards fared in the journey?"

"They reported a straightforward journey without issue. I had a thought about Jack and the situation that he would be in right now."

"What situation is that?"

"He's on bereavement leave. The deputy is acting in his stead."

"So, what's the issue?"

"Maybe the deputy has learned what the issue was and ordered the assassins to stop. Maybe you're right about it being Anderson."

"Do you think he can see the writing on the wall?" Seraphina asked.

"If he's a smart man, he would," Hawthorn said dryly. "Orin, would you kindly tell Kohen that once the dust has settled, to contact Benjamin Anderson and have him come here for a meeting? We shall be a little benevolent towards him because he will be new to his temporary role, and, of course, he could be a wonderful ally. I'd like to create a friendly, workable relationship with him."

"That would depend on how he reacts." Orin offered.

"How true. Also, tell Kohen that he suggests a date that is not on any of the public holidays when the streets are crowded. I'd like the world to not see Benjamin entering this place. Ensure that he is careful with the media and ensure they are not watching him."

Orin nodded and stood to search for Kohen. Jackwasn't dead yet, but Hawthorn was already preparing for the future as if hewas.

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