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Hawthorn rolled over and stretched a searching hand across the mattress. Yet again, he found it to be empty. His days of resting his hand on the enormous belly while feeling the baby kick were soon to be over. Seraphina was due to give birth in a couple of days.

Climbing out of bed, Hawthorn searched for Seraphina. He found the light emanating from under the bathroom door, something that he hadn't seen in a few weeks. The sickness had stopped, and she hadn't needed to run to the bathroom in a while.

Anxiety filled Hawthorn as he reached the door.


Hearing a groan, Hawthorn opened the door a fraction.

"Is everything okay?"

"No. I'm blaming you for every single part of this."

Poking his head through the door, he found Seraphina sitting on the shower floor. The water was off, but she was sodden and in her pyjamas. Of late, she'd favoured shorts that were loose enough to go around the belly and an oversized shirt.

"I take it that labour has begun?"

"It has."

Hawthorn smiled and opened the door.

"Have you been timing the contractions?"

Seraphina held up the phone.

"You're almost at two minutes now. How far apart are they?"

She winced, and as Seraphina buckled under the pain, Hawthorn's eyebrows rose in mild shock.

"Okay, two minutes apart. I will be back."

Leaving the bathroom, Hawthorn returned to the bed and collected his phone from the nightstand. The doctor answered on the second ring.

"Good afternoon, your majesty. Does the patient require my assistance?"

"She does. Bring all that you need because we're at two minutes."

"I see. We will be with you promptly."

"Thank you."

Hawthorn ended the call and returned to the bathroom. Seraphina was struggling to get out of the wet shirt.

Turning into the dressing room, he collected a change of clothes.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"Because it's been on and off all morning. I was about to come and get you."

Closing the door, Hawthorn helped Seraphina change into dry clothes. Hearing noises in their bedroom, Hawthorn expected to see the doctor but was faced with Elena and several maids. One waited with a wheelchair.

"Where did that come from?"

"The doctor brought it with him."

Hawthorn silently nodded as he helped Seraphina into the chair. Returning to the nightstand, Hawthorn opened the drawer and collected the little bag he'd set aside for today.

Following them down the corridor, the small group entered the room reserved for the birth. The maids helped Seraphina onto the delivery table and then stepped out of the room. It was now down to the four of them, with maids outside to assist if necessary.

Pain ripped through Seraphina, and with a lot of fear, she grabbed Hawthorn's dressing gown and dragged him closer.

"Your promise," she whispered through the contraction.

"I've made many, but which one in particular?"

"My life. You said it at our wedding."

Hawthorn was taken aback, glancing at the doctor, who was trying to coax Seraphina to push.

"Why are you worrying about that now?"

Elena cleared her throat, and Hawthorn turned with a scowl.

"The queen believes that her purpose is only to create an heir, and once you've got that, you won't need her any longer."

Hawthorn turned back to Seraphina with anguish written all over his face.

"I've never wanted to hurt you. Even before the coup, I only ever looked at you with a long future in mind."

Taking her hand, Hawthorn hoped to relieve the issues but figured that the hormones mixing with the pain weren't helping his cause.

"Do you remember what I said to you when you returned to the sanctum? My terms and what I wanted. A loving, faithful wife who won't try or succeed in killing me, one that will willingly join me in my bed and produce many beautiful children with me. A long, happy and love-filled life together. That's what I want to happen."

Leaning down, he kissed Seraphina.

"I will keep you safe," he whispered. "Now push."

Sitting behind her, Hawthorn held Seph's hand as she leaned forward. He could feel her body tighten, and her hand squeezed his hard. The doctor kept guiding her, telling her what was happening while Elena waited with a cloth ready to take hold of the baby.

Hawthorn didn't know if he wanted to look. When the doctor reached in, he realised it was too late, anyway. Seconds later, a screaming baby was dragged out and placed into Elena's waiting hands. She moved to Seph's side and eased the baby onto her body.

"A boy," Elena said as she laid the cloth over his body to keep him warm.

She returned to assist the doctor, leaving the new parents to bask in the glow of the moment.

"Do you recall Christmas day when you told me you were pregnant and then joked about the baby being born on Valentine's Day?"

Seraphina looked up at Hawthorn.

"Oh, it is too. Are you going to complain that you're not going to get laid today?"

Hawthorn scoffed, rolling his eyes. He didn't want to look at Elena or the doctor, who would no doubt be smiling.

"You are always a delight, Seph."

"I know. What's your point?"

"Well, we hadn't decided on a name. What about Valentino?"

"It's cute."

With a chuckle, Hawthorn shook his head. Reaching into his pocket, Hawthorn pulled out the little bag and waggled in front of Seraphina.

"Would you like it now or later?"

"Now is fine. I got you a son for Valentine's Day."

"Of course you did."

"But no sex."

"No," Hawthorn sighed, rolling his eyes to the ceiling. "No sex. It's like you think I can't live without it."

He made the mistake of looking at her and the deadpan look she was giving him.

"Yeah, alright. Shut up."

Opening the drawstrings, Hawthorn reached in and pulled out the necklace. It was a gold chain with a pendant in the shape of a cleaver. Tiny red rubies were set into the side near the bottom of the blade, resembling blood.

Seraphina grinned.

"That's an awesome gift."

"Not as awesome as the one I received."

After putting the necklace on Seraphina, Hawthorn sat back next to her. The baby had settled, and Hawthorn wondered how much he could see. It didn't matter. All Hawthorn knew was that he had everything he'd ever wanted, and when he knew that, he could see how easily it could be lost. How he could be king one day and dead the next, his bloody body lying next to his wife and son. It would not happen to his family.

"Valentino," he whispered as the infant's hand wrapped around his father's finger. "I will keep you safe."

His gaze lifted to Seraphina.

"Always. No matter what it takes. I will keep both of you safe."

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