Andy/He sings The Mortican's Daughter to you, as you cried as it described your situation. He proposed to you in Paris France in front of a 3,000 people crowd.
Ashley/He took you on a long road trip for a month, and once you finally reach your small hometown, he proposes to you in your high school gym.
CC/ He told you all his feelings and his plans about your future together while you were sitting on the top of his car in the middle of nowhere after your car broke down. He proposed to you there and you said yes, then kissing him afterwards.
Jinxx/You were depressed after you thought his flight was delayed. Jinxx surprised you by coming home earlier than originally planned and proposed to you with the guys' help.
Jake/Jake had been sick and you both were in bed. He pulled out the ring because he couldn't wait any longer to marry you. It wasn't the biggest thing but you loved it.