When You Graduate High School

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Jinxx/You were the elected speaker for your class, and due to overflow, Jinxx stood in the corner of the room, but even though he was in the corner by the doors you still saw him. Once you got your diploma you wrapped your arms around him.

Ashley/You were the Valedictorian and you had to speak for your class. Ashley asked you to marry him in front of everyone.

CC/They had just gotten done with tour with a show about an hour away from your town. They showed up in time to see you get your diploma and so you ran up to him and wrapped your arms around him, not wanting to let go even though your principal yelled at you for it. (You haven't seen your man for 8 months I mean come on bro, let me hug my CC bear. dAMN.)

Andy/He was sitting in the front row and once your name "Y/F/N" was called him and guys started screaming, even though it was supposed to be silent.

Jake/He took photos of you and right after graduation you both went to Taco Bell and talked about your future together.

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