Truth Is

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Loren Pov.

When I got home I ran upstairs and got my hot pink and neon duffel bag and throw 2 draws full of clothes inside it. I then went into the bathroom and went on my side and pack up my toothbrush, deodorant, lipsticks, concealers, eye shadow palettes and make up brushes and put them into zip lock bags and threw them into the duffle bag as well with 3 pairs of shoes. I took my flat iron and my curling wand in my purse. Took a sheet of paper out of the printer and  got a pen out of my purse and began to write Rell a note stating (  I Love You But Ill Be Staying With Megan For A Couple Days Until My Mind Is  Cleared ). I walked down the stairs and grabbed my car keys off the end table and got in my car and sped off. Siri call Megan ... "Calling Megan" Siri responded .

Megan: Hey Lo wassup ?

Loren: The damn sky with a cloud raining on my head .. that's what up Meg.

Megan: Oh lord .. what happened Lo ?

Loren: I caught Rell cheating ... I just need to get out of the house for a couple days. Can I come spend the night for a night or two ?

Megan: Girl you can .. you know I don't  mind your my sister you can come stay here anytime you want .

Trina Pov.

Lord this hoe really fucked my face up I said to myself while looking in the mirror. "Thats what yo ass get .. need to stop fucking with people boyfriends and husbands or that will be the outcome every single time"Lola said while laying on my bed. I hate to admit it but she was actually right but I had to have Rell . It was just something about Rell that really stood out to me and it made me more attracted to him.  I need text him and apologize.

10:29 pm

Trina: This is Trina ..  Rell I'm sorry for what I did.. it was very stupid of me I just really have a thing for you and it hurts .

Read at 10:33pm

Rell's Pov.       

I had really fucked up with Lo. When I got home and walked up the stairs with a slouch. I really tried to reject Trina but she was making it too hard. Kept coming on too a nigga. I kinda feel sorry for her Lo fucked her up pretty bad I thought to myself. When I opened the door too my room my heart dropped I felt as if my eyes were deceiving me . It was unbelievable how empty the room was. I walked into the bath room noticing all of Lo's makeup was gone and her side of the bathroom was just looked completely empty as if nobody had ever used it. I went to check the draws and Lo's clothes were gone .. I punched the mirror " fuck man" i yelled. Then I washed off my bloody hand and laid on the bed the I heard something crumble. It was a sheet of paper with Lo's handwriting on it (  I Love You But Ill Be Staying With Megan For A Couple Days Until My Mind Is  Cleared ).

Loren Pov.

When I got to Megan house I sat my bag in the guest room and went into Megan's room and set at the edge of her bed."Girl I don't what i'm doing wrong you know ? He wait till I tell pregnant to act up and hoe around" I said . " Pregnant ? "Megan asked .. "Yes Megan i'm pregnant ! "I sobbed.. Just want to know why is my life hell .. It has always been hell on earth no matter how hard I tried to keep confusion out of my life it just find way to get to me. "You know I never told anybody this ... the reason for why i'm so mean Meg ... When I was younger my mother was 17 when she had me and she  was on crack, do you know  I was set on fire at 3 years old by her and her drunk as friends . And raped at 10 by her boyfriend three times, he'd pin me to the bed and molest me. You know what he do to me if I cried or scream he'd punch me and kick me in my stomach. He'd tell me to shut up you little bitch " I said with tears running down my face. " and the 3rd time he molested me my grandmother caught him and she took me in ,3 months later she died from a heart attack .. You know  wanna know where my next home was ? A damn foster home with people who didn't give a rat's ass about me they just wanted their check. And you think im done ? Im not done when I was in 12th grade I dated a football player .. he asked me to have threesome with his team you know what they did when I said no ? " They took me on the highway & pushed me out of the car "I said crying .Guess what ? each and every time I pray to God and ask him to remove those people who were detrimental out of my life. You know he removed them but kept sending new ones ? I laided on Megan's lap and cried ass she rubbed her hands through my hair crying as well and I feel sleep .. See how everybody in my life fucked over me but Megan and Kenyatta where the only two people that stuck by my side and rode with them and that's what  made them family and not friends. That saying blood is thicker than water became a lie.

Rell Pov.

After thinking I really need to talk to Lo and apologize. I got my keys and sped off to Megan house. When I got there i rung the door bell and Megan stuck head out the door. Yes Rell may I help you ? she asked . "I need to talk to Lo and make this shit right could you tell her to come sit on the on the steps and talk to me ?" I asked. Im sorry boo but, she sleeping and she's had a fucked up night .. I think her and the baby need the rest to relieve some stress ... you'll just have to wait until tomorrow to come see her" Megan replied. Well look I really need a females advice can you atleast come outside and talk to me ? Alright tell me whats wrong why it all happened ?  She asked. " Meg, Trina kept coming on to me and I aint gone lie the first two times I rejected her. The third time was in the studio and during time I was high a drunk and she did it again I asked her to stop but she kept trying and me being a man under the influence of drugs and alcohol it aint easy resist sex. I feel bad because I know I'm hurting her but it wasn't intentional. Look I really love Lo and can't nobody take Lo place" I said to her. "Look Rell Lo really love you .. She's been thru alot with in her life and she just need to clear her mind .. look just don't stress her especially while she pregnant that could push her away and more importantly; harm the baby. She really needs you to be there for her right night now. So stop smiling in these hoes faces and smile in Lo face, keep these hoes out cho face and focus on your income, Lo, and the baby" Megan said to me. Thanks Meg I swear you really like a sister to me .. I really needed to hear that. I hugged her and got in my car and sped off home.

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