Getting Ready

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[ Picture Of Megan & Blu ]

Loren Pov.

Me and my girls had been under a lot of stress lately and we really needed a break from Atlanta. Rell was going on tour and  had 4 shows in New Orleans, Florida, Texas, and Cali. I called Megan and Kenyatta and asked if they wanted to take a trip.

[ Phone Call Between The Girls ]

Loren: Hey My Babies

Kenyatta: Hey Lo Honey I Miss You

Megan: Hey Yall I Missed Yall, Did Yall Missed Me Bestfrans

Loren & Kenyatta: Yes We Missed You Bestfrann ( said by eastside ivo)

( All Laughed )

Loren: Look yall I ain't just call to say hey and I missed yall. I called to tell yall that Rell is going on tour to New Olreans, Florida, Texas and Cali and that's our opportunity to get out of crazy ass Atlanta and get a break from all of the bullshit.

Megan: Shid when we leave ?

Loren: Tomorrow morning at 9.

Kenyatta: Yo ass wait until i'm 8 damn months pregnant to go on a damn road trip ( she said while laughing )

Loren: Girl yes we gotta enjoy our time alone and with our men before our little one's get here.

Kenyatta: Yeaa You Right boo.

Loren: Anyway .. Im about to go book our rooms online and meet at my house in a hour so we can go to Walmart and the Mall.


Megan Pov.

Blu spent the night last night at my condo and she was still sleeping. So I got up and I began took cook breakfast for her in my black lace push up bra and black lace panties from Victoria Secret with my PINK fluffy slippers on while my long curly hair hung down to my back. Then I felt Blu come close up behind me and kiss my neck. " Goodmorning Bae , what your cooking Blu for breakfast ?" she asked. " Well Eggs, Bacon, Waffels and these nuts" I said as I continuously laughed. " Oh so that's funny ? " Blu said as she laughed and put her hand around my neck. " Blu let my damn neck go " I said. She released my neck snd then slapped my ass. When our food was done I placed our plates on two separate  trays and bought Blu her tray while she sat on the couch an watched Jerry Springer. I sat next to her and we laughed at a woman on the show who took her boyfriend leg because he was cheating. " So bae, Im going out of town I leave tomorrow morning " I said to her. " I don't want you to leave, who house ima pop up at in the middle of the night, who gone cook me breakfast in the morning before I go to work ? " she sad making a puppy dog face. " Nobody but me, because you coming with me" I said as I giggled. " For real bae .. where we going ?" Blu asked with a big ass smile on her face. " Yes baby"I said as I kissed her and got up and went to my bedroom to get dressed so I could meet the girls.

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