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[ Girl's In Group Message ]

Loren : What the fuck we going to do tonight?

Megan : Girl lets go shopping and get our nails did today and then tonight we gone go to the club

Kenyatta: Yea we can do that lets met up at Lo house at 3

Loren : Alright you hoes go get dress and we gone take my car.

Loren Pov.

I got up and I went in my closet and pulled out my my beige lace bustier crop top and my light washed denim shorts with rips in them ' I put my hair in a high as bun and I put on my nude gladiator sandals that go all the way up too me kneecap. As soon I finished my make up, my girls pulled up ! I went down stairs to let them in " Oh my bitch looking like milk" Kenyatta Said. "Girl yaas thats always "I laughed and said to her." Mani what the hell you got up in here to drink " Megan asked. Girl find something and met us in there car.

Kenyatta Pov.

We pulled up to the mall and went got our nails done first. I picked a matte pink color & got a rhinestone design on my ring finger. I needed too socialize with my girls its been along time since we linked up and with me and my boyfriend Reggie we haven't been doing to well. I never thought things would get this bad... " Kenyatta come look at the dress" Megan said pulling me out of my thoughts. I tried it on and paid for it.  We all found our outfits for the club and we got in Lo Mercedes Benz and sped off to her house.

Hood Attractions ( Urban Fiction )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora