911 Emergency Only

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[ Dispatcher ] : 911 what is your emergency ?

Megan: Im Megan and my friend has just been shot.

Dispatcher: Who's the shooter ma'am ?

Megan: Her boyfriend Reggie Clark.  He shot her once and pulled off in his vehicle.

Dispatcher: Ma'am is she still breathing?

Megan: Yes

Dispatcher: and what area did he shoot her in ? and where are you located

Megan: The arm .. We are located on  2000 Castle Drive.

Dispatcher:  Ok ma'am we are sending an ambulance. Can you describe his car '  his race 'what he was wearing and what he looks like ma'am?

Megan: Umm ... He was driving an  Orange Camero with dents all over its all over, He's African American about about 6 ft tall and slim and has on a black nike shirt with a white logo on it and some black cotton jogging pants.

Dispatcher: We have a suspect driving an Orange Camero,  About 6 feet tall, African American, has on a nike shirt/white logo and wearing black jogging pants and is armed and considered dangerous and possibly located in the Castle Area.

Cop: 10-4

Hood Attractions ( Urban Fiction )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora