Working Times

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Orion pov: "Welp another day of work lies ahead atleast I am not doing this alone,I'm glad to have Megatronus by my side even if he has his own work to do."Orion said to himself.

"I mean it is the thought thatcount right."Orion said.

Megatronus pov: *Sneaks up behind Orion.*"BOO!"

Orion pov: "Ahh!?"

Megatronus pov: "Hey...Hey its okay calm down its just me sorry for startling you I just could not resist love."

*Megatronus kisses Orion's forehead softly.*

Orion pov: "Its fine don't worry about it Megatronus,so you ready to work?"

Megatronus pov: "Ofcourse, but where do you wish to work I do not think the streets are exactly the best place ro work at."

Orion pov: *Giggles*

"Come on we can go work in my office at the Archives where its quiet."

Megatronus pov: "Sounds perfect."

*They walk to Orion's office at the archives.*

"Seems like were here."

Orion pov: "Yep lets go and sit down."
*Sits down on the ground and pats the spot next ro him.*

Megatronus pov: "Oh no no no we are not sitting like that,please stand up Orion."

Orion pov:*Confused* "Umm okay...?

Megatronus pov: *Sits down on the floor with one leg up and the other a little.*

"Come here Orion."

Orion pov: *Still confused.* "Sure..."

*Walks over to Megaronus.*

"Now wha-"

Megatronus pov: *Puts Orion on his leg and puts the datapad on the ground.*

Arthur:Basicly looks like the picture at rhe top if you don't get it.

(Anyways back to the story.)

Orion pov: *Shocked and Speechless.*

Megatronus pov:*Chuckles* "Come lets get started shall we?"

Orion pov: "Yea, firstly we have to talk aboit the citizens of Iacon and Kaon and how......

*They worked for about 2-3 hours.*

"And thats about it Megatronus,thank you for helping me with all of this."

Megatronus pov: "It comes with my delight to help you Orion."

"Now come on I have a Gladiators game starting in a few minutes and I don't want to be late and before you even think about asking, Yes I got you tickets to the match Love here you go."

"Now I have to get going Love you and see you after the game."

*Kisses Orion gently on the Lips*

"Bye Love"

Orion pov: "Goodbye Megatronus im wishing you best of luck."

P.S He won and they had a peaceful and relaxing day forward and expect a lot of chapters to be published.Byeee~

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