Solo - 06

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Alex's POV 

Alex's POV 

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I WOKE up feeling a lot of emotions. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair put together a decent outfit. As I walked down the stairs I felt empty inside. My parents call to check up on me every once in a while. 

I just grabbed my backpack locking the door with my keys. 

As I got to school I found out me and Heather were taking another break.

Dustin and I were talking about how I should have a party while my parents were gone. I nodded my head agreeing to whatever he was saying. 

That's when Madison walked, I felt a little bad that I blew her off a bit but she was still my best friend girlfriend. 

I was hesitating wondering if I should give her my sweater or was that too awkward after what happened last night. I then voted against it walking to class.

I sat down in my seat as the teacher began talking about 4 minutes later I fell asleep. Who wouldn't it was 7 in the morning and this teacher was talking about insurance. 

"Mr. Nolan would you like to share with the class about what I just said" the teacher asks as all the students turn their heads at me. 

"That your life is fucked up and you're just mad because your wife divorced you and took the kids" I say putting my head down again as I heard everyone start to laugh. 

"Mr. Walker now" the teacher said sending me to the one of many counselors. I grab my backpack heading out of the room.

I walked to Mr. Walkers office knocking on the door. He opened the door looking like he was expecting me. 

He motioned me to follow him as we walked down the hallway. After a minute or two we ended up in the empty gymnasium. 

Mr. Walker used his badge to unlock the sports supply closet handing me a basketball. 

"So now you talking about teachers divorces" Mr. walker said as he dribbled the ball.

"He was getting on my nerves" I replied taking the ball from him trying to shoot it. 

"what's going on with you lately" Mr. walker asked as the ball got in the net. 

"Nothing" I said lying to my favorite staff member. 

That's when the bell rang I gave the basketball to Mr. Walker as we said out goodbyes. 

I walked over to Brandt as He and Madison were arguing. She spilled someone's drink all over him as she said that they were over. 

"Damn the fuck happened" I asked Brandt who had smoothie all over him. 

"We broke up" he replied

"Why" I ask again 

"it needed to happen." He said as he walked to class

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I walked into class talking with Jessica while the teacher was making teams. Soon enough the teacher said my name 

"Madison and Alex" the teacher called out, I see Madison walking over to me. She sat down in the seat right next to me. 

As we started talking about the project the teacher said a tall girl named anna didn't have a partner. 

"Go over to Madison and Alex" the teacher replied heading to their desk. I could see the irl named Anna smiling ear to ear as she walked over. 

I see Madison holding a note in her hands squinting to try and read it. The weird girl started talking to me as she twirled her hair. 

"Can any of y'all read this" Madison asked. 

"I don't how to use a microscope you do it" Anna said to me as she tried to put her hand on me. I just grab the note putting it under the microscope. 

"It says I like playing with you Madison let's hang out sometime" I said wanting to know who the fuck this was from. 

"Omg" Anna says as she faces me. 

"He likes you" I reply.

"Who" Madison asks. 

"Brendan saxophone" I said looking away from the people at my table. 

"Oh he's kinda cute" Madison says drawing on the table with her pencil. I don't know why but that angered me a bit. 

"So what happened to your g.f or whatever" Anna asked me. 

"I broke up with her" I said not wanting to talk about Heather. 

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" she says as I see her smiling.

"Its chill" I say hinting that I didn't want to talk to her. 

"What did you hate about her" Anna asked again. 

"She was just always there" I reply.

"If I was your boyfriend I mean girlfriend I wouldn't be anywhere unless you wanted me to me. And then I'd be there on time"  she says giving me a wink. 

I look at Madison to see her laughing as I was giving her help me looks. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The Band Concert

I was now in the audience sitting with Brandt, Dustin, Jessica and Connie as I held a rose for Heather. I was trying to win her back because I don't think Madison is into me at all.

Once everyone got on stage they started playing. Anna waved towards me while she stared really hard at me as she played her instrument. 

I stopped looking at her as I looked at Madison. I kept looking at her even when everything with Maya was going on. Jessica must of caught me staring at her as she hit Dustin's chest then pointed at me. 

"You might as well take a picture" dustin smirks. 

"There was a bee in her hair" I quickly spat out, why'd I say that I'm such an idiot. That's when all my friends looked at me like I was stupid. 

The performance ended with Maya throwing up and everyone on stage sprinting offstage. I looked at the rose as I headed towards Heather.

I walk up to her handing her the rose and apologizing. 

"Hey do you want to get back together" I asked hoping she would say yes. 

She just jumped on me as she wrapped her legs around me. I notice Madison looking at us as she was holding a bag and a note. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


Hope y'all liked this. It was rushed so if I made any mistakes please tell me

But have a good day/night 💗

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