𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓 𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔

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I couldn't stop myself from looking at them, The way she would playfully hit his arm when he said something dumb, The way she would make him laugh by doing something so simple, The way they looked into each other's eyes, and the way they kissed. Just like we used to.

I missed him more than anything, I missed staying up late at night and talking over the phone with him, I missed how his warm arms would wrap around me in a 'friendly' hug, I missed holding hands with him and cuddling because we were both so touch-deprived, I missed the feeling of his warm lips on mine and the way he gripped my waist, but most of all I missed just having him.

I gathered my things and left the house, I sighed as I got into my car.

My friend Maddy had planned a surprise party for me since my new movie was coming out next week, I wanted to stay for her but I just couldn't be around him and her, I love Maddy and I'm most defiantly getting scolded by her later for leaving so early but she would understand, I hope.

I put my seat belt on and placed my key in the ignition. 

I was about to pull off when I heard a knock on the window, I looked over to see a not-so-very-happy Madeleine McGraw, I rolled down my window and she glared at me with her arms crossed.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked

"Home," I bluntly said

"No, you're getting your ass back in that house, and you're gonna have fun," She said trying to open my door, I quickly locked it so she couldn't, She glared at me once more

"Get. In. The. House," She said, I shook my head looking down

"Y/n, you can not keep letting him control your life, I wish I could say fuck him but he is also my friend," She said, I felt bad since I didn't want her to feel Switzerland

"I just can't look at him right now Maddy," I said, feeling the tears threatening to spill

"I understand that Y/n/n, but you have to look at him eventually, and her, they are together," She said, looking at me with a sympathetic look, I nodded my head getting out of the car and putting my keys back in my purse she grabbed my hand as we walked back into the house.

When we got in Brady came over to me with his arms open and Tristan following close behind him. "Y/n, Just the girl I wanted to see!" He shouted, pulling me into a hug which I gladly accepted, We pulled away and Tristan hugged me as well.

"So, how have you been?" Brady asked, taking a sip of his drink

"I've been good, but busy," I said, he laughed nodding his head

"Yeah, I'm so excited to see your new movie!" He said, smiling at me

"I'm ready for it to come out, I can't wait for you guys to see it," I said, already feeling loved, We continued to chat for a while about my movie and Madeleine's movie coming out soon and just random things. 

I loved hanging out with my friends, we always did fun stuff together, and we were always there for each other when one of us needed it most, I couldn't ask for better friends, for a better family.

"Oh my god! Hi y/n!" I heard someone shout, and before I knew it I was being pulled into a tight hug, I looked up to see her, Tall, skinny, with long wavy black hair, and beautiful green eyes.

 She was everything a man dreamed of in a woman, and she looked like Megan Fox so I guess she had that going for her at the start.

"Hey, how are you doing, Stella?" I asked, smiling at her

𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now