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This was a request off of my Tumblr page and they did request Y/n to be plus-size in this so if you don't like that please leave.

Not proofread!

Y/n's Pov

I stared down at my phone as I scrolled through the comments of my most recent post on Instagram. It was me and Mason posing side by side, I had my arms wrapped around his neck as he kissed my cheek.

I remember that day, I was so happy and I actually wore a bikini, I felt so confident that day and Mason kept hyping me up and telling me how sexy and beautiful I looked- Not that he doesn't do that every single day already.

We had gone to the beach for Brookes's birthday and decided to take some pictures while we were there, We even filmed TikToks and posted them, I guess I was just too caught up in the moment to think about the possible hate that would get sent my way.

I turned my phone off and placed it beside me on the couch, I was supposed to be getting ready for a date me and Mason had tonight, but I was too focused on reading hate comments to worry about getting ready.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a loud bang on my door, I got up and walked to it, standing on my tippy toes I looked through the peephole to Mason standing outside, he looked a little upset and looked around as he fiddled with his fingers.

I contemplated on opening the door or not, I didn't know how to tell him I didn't want to go out with him tonight because of some hate comments, that just sounds so stupid, but it did make me feel terrible.

Why do these people have to be so rude? The bikini I was wearing was really cute and I thought I looked good. Why did so many people have to like those comments? Barely anyone replied to defend me or anything. I really didn't feel like going out anymore.

Mason was the best person on the planet. He never made fun of me about my weight, about looking bad in anything, about any of my insecurities. He was always so nice to me, but he gets hate about dating me.

I pulled the door open, Mason snapped his head toward me with a worried expression, "Hey," He spoke, pulling me into a hug

"I'm so sorry," He whispered kissing the top of my head

I looked up at him with furrowed brows, "Why are you sorry?" I asked

"The comments, I know you saw them, so did me and Brooke, I'm so so sorry baby," He said, his eyes becoming glass

"It isn't your fault Mason," I whispered, moving so he could walk into the house

"It kinda is, you are dating me, and- if you wanna leave me I think that may be the be-" I cut him off with a kiss

He melted into it, grabbing my plush sides and pulling me closer to him, we pulled away putting our foreheads together, trying to catch our breaths, "Don't ever say that, it isn't your fault, Mase," I spoke, pulling away to walk over to the couch

"I guess, I don't know, I just feel like if we did break up-"

"Are you saying you want to break up with me?" I asked, kind of hurt

His eyes widened as he frantically shook his head 'no' "No! Oh god no, I just mean if we did the hate may go away," He spoke, grabbing my hands as he sat down beside me

"Mason, the hate won't just go away magically, I would be your ex-girlfriend then and that would give them even more of a reason to hate on me," I said, he nodded his head and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb

"I'll post something about it, maybe they'll shut up then, they're just twelve year olds who are jealous of my extremely hot girlfriend," He said causing me to laugh

"What? I'm serious babe you are so fine, I love you so much, I'm so lucky to have you," He spoke looking at me with adoration

I blushed as I looked down trying to hide it, "I love you to Mason," I said smiling like an idiot

He placed his index finger under my chin and gently lifted my face up, "You gonna be alright?" He asked

I nodded my head and smiled slightly, "Can I have a kiss?" I smiled and leaned in connecting our lips together in a sweet kiss

"Go get ready I'm still taking you out," He mumbled as he kissed me once more

I finally posted for Mason 💀

I dont know how I feel ab this imagine lol it was the first Mason Imagin I've wrote but I drafted it cuz I didn't know how to feel ab it

I hope you guys liked it

Send request cuz I don't have a brain to think with

I love youuuu 😻💕

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