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I was sitting in the living room with the rest of my friends as we argued about whose celebrity crush was hotter, I know for a fact mine was hotter and the rest of the guys were tripping off of something 'cause they kept disagreeing with me.

"BRO LOOK!" I shouted as I shoved my phone in Brady's face, I had pulled a picture of Y/n up on it from her Instagram to try and argue my case here

Brady shook his head as he backed up, "Dude I think Madelyn Cline is hotter," He laughed as he took a drink from his water bottle

"Ugh!" I groaned as I threw myself back on the couch, why couldn't they see what I saw, She was just so pretty and I would do anything to be able to call her mine

"Why don't you send her a dm?" Maddy asked as she grinned at me, I looked at her as if she had two heads

"I couldn't possibly send her a dm, noway Mads," I said, shaking my head frantically

"Oh come on Mase, You'll never get a chance with her if you don't grow a pair and just ask her out," Tristan said, everyone laughed as they agreed with him

"What would I even say?" I asked as I stared down at my phone, I already had her Instagram open from stalking it earlier

"Just ask her out," Maddy said

I clicked on the message button and stared at my screen. think Mason, think.

"Hey, I think you are so pretty and we should defiantly go out sometime," I said as I typed it out, I looked up at the group for confirmation before I sent it

"Dude, that was ass," Brady said as he rolled his eyes, I threw my hands up and looked at him

"What the hell else am I supposed to say dipshit!" I shouted and he laughed

"I thought it was cute, you got straight to the point but didn't do too much, girls like that," Maddy said as she looked at me and the guys

"Thank you, Maddy," I said as I let out a sigh

"I'm just not gonna text her, I'll just have to stalk her over the phone and dream," I said as I threw my phone beside me on the couch

"Dude she isn't even all that," Brady said



Maddy sat in amusement as she watched her friends fight over which girl was hottest, she didn't quite understand the whole thing but one thing she paid the most attention to was how Mason looked when he talked about Y/n, he would smile when someone would mention her name, he would get a glint in his eye when he would look at a picture of her, he just turned into a love sick puppy for her, she already had him whipped and they haven't even met each other.

Maddy had an idea, she pulled out her phone and opened her message app, and clicked on Y/n's icon, she figured that if Mason wasn't man enough to send Y/n a text she herself would get her here so Mason could finally ask her, but in person.


                                           Hey, what are you doing?

Chilling in my room, why?

                                       You remember Mason right

𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now