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Y/n's Pov

"Leave her alone!" My brother slightly shouted as he tried pushing my parents out of bedroom

"Don't you put your hands on me boy!" My father shouted back as he slapped my brother Oliver across the face

"You little fucker!" Oliver shouted as he punched my dad in the face

"STOP!" I screamed as I tried pulling him off our dad

No matter how much I hated my father I didn't want to see him hurt. I felt someone grab my hair and pull me to the ground, I looked up to see my mom with a cigarette hanging from her lips and a mean glare on her face.

She kicked my side causing me to whine out in pain, "You disrespectful little brat!" She spat as she leaned down and grabbed my hair

"After everything me and your father do for you, you decided to treat us like shit?" She spoke, slurring her words

Next thing I know she is getting a fist to the side of the face and she's knocked out on the ground beside me, my brother grabbed the lit cigarette from the ground and put it out on her face.

My dad was groaning in pain on the floor, "You need to go!" My brother spoke as he held my dad down

"She isn't going anywhere!" My dad shouted before my brother slapped him across the face

I frantically nodded my head as I got up from the ground, I ran over to my cliset and grabbed my bag and started throwing clothes in it.

"You better not go to that boys house!"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!" My brother shouted as he slapped my dad again

"You just won't shut up will you?" He asked letting out a huff

I grabbed my phone charger and placed it in my bag and grabbed my wallet, I looked back to see my brother looking at me with hurt eyes.

"Call me okay?" He mouthed

I nodded my head and ran off outside, I got on my bike and started to peddle as fast as I could to my boyfriends house.

Mason's Pov

I walked out of my bathroom drying my hair off when I heard a loud bang come from outside my window. I furrowed my eyebrows as I walked over, seeing my girlfriend standing outside pacing around.

I quickly opened up the window and stuck my head out, "What are you doing here!?" I whisper shouted as I glanced behind me to make sure my mom wasn't walking in the room

My Mom and Dad didn't really like Y/n, they said she came over to much and she was just to emotional.

But they don't get it, they don't know what is really wrong. I know Y/n's parents are pieces of shits and they were abusive towards her and her older brother.

I wanted to do something, I wished I could do something but I knew if I tried it wouldn't do anything but make her situation worse, so I started inviting her over and taking her out during the day just so she could get away from them.

My parents were fine with it at first, they really enjoyed Y/n's company, they would always get so excited when I said she was coming over, but then it all started to change once they saw how Y/n lived and what her parents looked like.

Y/n and her brother looked really good, but their parents just didn't look good at all, the mom was constantly smoking and always had this awful blue and black eyeshadow on, and the dad reeked of booze and cigarettes and he just had on stained clothes.

My parents wanted me to break up with her and said that it would be the best thing for the both of us and said it would be best for my future, but I wasn't listening to that bull shit.

𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now