Wang Ming said: "You can design some women's dresses for me, and they must be easy to sell. You produce drawings and make patterns, and I will give you fabrics, and you give me samples, and I will find someone to process them. How much do you charge for a piece of clothing?" "
Su Yan thought for a while and said: "No problem, but I haven't taken over this kind of private work in the past few years, so I don't know how much money is appropriate."
Wang Ming should have planned it long ago, and said: "You design five models I'll give you 2,500 yuan for one type of dress."
Su Yan felt that the money was a lot, but she didn't show her surprise.
It's not that she thinks her design is worthless, it's that she is worried that the other party won't be able to pay, or that the other party thinks it's not worth it.
The gap between rich and poor is really huge now.
She knew that if she gave 2,500 yuan, Wang Ming wanted to use her grasp of fashion trends, and he hoped it would be a popular style.
Now the Red Star Factory mainly produces men's shirts and suits, and in two years will produce a wave of bodybuilding pants to earn a fortune for the bodybuilding pants.
If she does not produce women's clothing, she is willing to earn extra money from designing women's clothing, otherwise she will not take this job.
Earning extra money is popular now, and some government officials will use their spare time to set up stalls to earn some money. No one thinks that earning extra money will affect their work, and it will not be linked to whether they love their jobs or not.
Su Yan said: "Yes, anyway, it does not conflict with the production of the Red Star Factory, I am willing to take this job."
Wang Ming nodded: "I am willing to cooperate with you, simply and happily, without any trouble, and I will give you the fabric as soon as possible , waiting for your samples, happy cooperation."
"Look at the design first." Su Yan said.
Wang Ming shook his head: "No, since I found you and offered this price, I have absolute trust in you. I believe that you have a better grasp of the market than I do. I don't need to look at the design drawings at all, and I don't want to interfere with your judgment."
Su Yan used his time on Sunday and evening. In a month, he has handed over five dress samples to Wang Ming one after another, and Wang Ming has already found a cooperative factory.
The other party was very satisfied with the clothes, and was very straightforward and happy, and gave Su Yan more than 10,000 yuan when he got the sample clothes.
Su Yan is optimistic about the sales prospects of these five skirts.
phone rang after dinner that day, Su Yan picked up the phone, it was actually Jiang Shulan calling.
"Mom, what's the matter?" Su Yan asked a little nervously.
It's okay, I won't run to the post office in the town at night to make a phone call.
Jiang Shulan said: "Don't be nervous. I'm calling from the village committee. I want to tell you that I have become the president of the orchid association in our county." The president of the orchid association?
Su Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and joked with Gu Ye who was listening: "Mom has become a cadre!"
It sounded very tall. "I don't want to be the president, they insist on making
me. What do you think the president of the Orchid Association does?"
It all depends on robbing.
Su Yan didn't know what rights and obligations this chairman had, and she didn't want to explain to Jiang Shulan according to her own understanding, so she said, "Mom, I guess our county wants you to bring everyone to plant orchids and sell them."

Returning to the city in the 1980s and pampering my daughter-in-law
General FictionReturning to the city in the 1980s and pampering my daughter-in-law (八零年代回城娇宠媳) Author : 雨中花慢 Chapter : 87 [MTL FOR OFFLINE READING PURPOSE ONLY] Su Yan penetrated into the Chronicle, other educated youths returned...