chapter seventeen

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Armand's pov

I slowly open my eye's. I turn my head to the left to look at the clock on the night stand the red number's tell me that it's 6:30am.

As my mind catch's up with me I'm hit with a bolt of lighting the as the memory of last night come's back to haunt me.

I move out of bed to fast for Storm to notice, I walk down stair's and, I head straight to the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen I head to the larder by the back door I grab a bottle of blood from the cool box and down it in one.

Even though I have drank my blood. I can still taste her blood on my tongue and in my throat. I'm staring out the back window trying to think of something, anything but Storm and her blood but she invade's my mind.

I'm so lost in my thought's, when all of a sudden a pair of warm and soft arm's wrap around my waist. It can only be the love of my life Storm. " Morning Storm ".

" Morning fang's ". I'm really going to have to think up a nickname for Storm. " What you doing up babe ". She yawn's, I looked at the clock it's 7am.

" Looking for you ". She was worried about me. " I'm okay babe ". I'm not okay, I'm racked with guilt for taking her blood last night.

I can't feel her arm's around me so I turn. As I do I see her walking back into the room with my pendent she gave me yesterday. " Put it on please ". I nod and move to a chair.

She place's the chain around my neck and I can feel her hand's doing up the clasp. I turn to say thank you again but, she is gone again.

She reappear's a few second's later with the diamond necklace in her hand's. " Help me please ". She place's the necklace around her neck, so I can do up the clasp for her. I then kiss her neck.

She giggle's. " What's wrong ". She pat's my hand and shake's her head. " It's just that your breath is cold, it make's my skin tingle ". I smile to myself but, then I get sharp pain in my stomach.

Storm's pov

Armand has just doubled over, I'm worried I touch his shoulder. I don't know what else to do I feel useless. I can't call the doctor as he is a vampire and he has no pulse.

" Armand are you okay, say something ". He suddenly get's up and run's from the room, I go after him but he is quicker than me.

I check the downstair's bathroom no sign. I go upstair's and find him in the bathroom on the floor.

I grab a damp cloth and wipe his neck and forehead, I then help him into the bedroom and on to the bed. I leave the room to wet the cloth again so I can place it on his head.

I walk back into the bedroom and up to the bed, I then notice that he is not breathing and his eye's are closed. Also he is not moving, oh my god he's gone, no he can't be.

I hit his chest. " Don't you leave me, don't you dare ". I can feel tear's in my eye's now what if he really is dead.

I can feel myself shaking as the sob's begin to take hold of me. I can't lose him, I just can't.

I'm about to get up and get Lou when a cold hand grab's my wrist, I turn to see Armand looking at me. I grab hold of him, thank what ever god has returned him to me. " Fang's are you okay ".

" Storm, blood, poison ". What someone tried to kill Armand why. I suppose he is a prince of vampire's but, why would they want him dead. I grab his phone off the side.

" Storm what are you doing ". I look at him and smile. " I'm phoning your Father and the shit that give's you the blood ". He shake's his head and grab's the phone off of me.

Pain,Blood and a Vampire's love ( The Series )Where stories live. Discover now