chapter seven

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Armand's pov

I'm still in the hospital, I'm sat by Storm's bed everyone else has left. I have stayed because she is coming home with me. I'm going to look after her until is well enough to return home. I'm hoping that with our  time together she will learn to trust me.

I'm waiting for her to wake up as she fell asleep again. I can also feel the burn in my throat that tell's me I need blood. I have some with me.

 I keep a small bottle inside my jacket pocket but, I can't drink it here in case she wake's up. I will just pop to the men's room and drink it in there.

Ten minute's later as I'm leaving the men's room, something make me  stop moving. I can suddenly smell fresh blood. I sniff the air I know that smell it's Storm's blood I can smell.

 Wait it's fresh. As I listen I can hear her crying faintly as if in the distance. Hell she is in trouble and damn it all to hell there is too many people around. I will have to run at human speed.

I get to her room and I see a man, who I'm guessing is her Father, he is hitting her and calling her name's and saying. " Wait until I get you home ". Storm is sobbing.

I don't think I just grab him and pull him off of her, I punch him and he fall's to the floor. I turn back to Storm and see her holding her stomach. I can also see blood and the tear's are running down her face.

I go to her. " Storm are you alright, where does it hurt ". She doesn't answer she just grab's hold of me and cry's into my chest.

" He's angry because I'm here, he has been drinking again. He called me a stupid bitch and then he started to  hit me. I did try to protect my stomach but he just pulled my arm's away and kept hitting me, I did try honest ".

I pull her closer to me as she sob's. " Shh your safe now, I have got you ". I push the buzzer on the wall for a nurse or someone to come and help me.

A few second's later one come's in she look's at Storn and all the blood. " What has happened ". I point to where her Father is now trying to get up.

 " Get Doctor James quickly, now ". The nurse run's from the room , and her Father get's up so do I. I put myself between Storm and her Father. He aint touching her again.

He look's at me and says. " Get out of my way punk I'm gona beat her until she is so sorry, the stupid little bitch ". That's it I have heard enough of his voice. I'm about to hit him again when Doctor James walk's in.

He look's at Storm's Father. " I think you need to leave Mr St Clair ". He look's at the doctor and laugh's. I stand aside so Doctor James can get to Storm.

Her Father move's to leave then he goes back and start's hitting Storm again it must have been harder this time as she is crying out. She is also coughing up blood.

I grab him again but this time I drag him out the door, he shout's at her. " Your next bitch ". As I push him through the corridor and outside the hospital.

Once outside I say to him. " Stay away from her or I will find you and beat you the same way ".

I walk away from him, without a backward glance. I need to see if she is okay. Damn I shouldn't have left her. I walk back to her room.

 I meet the Doctor in the corridor and he tell's me that he had to redo one set of stitche's but apart from that she is fine.

 " Can I take her home now she will be safe. Her Father doesn't know where I live ". He nod's.

 " Yes okay I will have to give you some dressing's they will need changing again later as she is still bleeding a bit ". I nod.

 " Okay anything else ". He nod's again. " Yes, I will give you her painkiller's ". I nod again. I then go into her room with the clothes that Lucy left me.

Pain,Blood and a Vampire's love ( The Series )Where stories live. Discover now