Chapter 2 - The Attack

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"Damn it all..." I hear the Captain say to himself, before raising his cutlass into the air, as he faces us.

"Defend the camp! KILL THE TROLLS!!" I hear everyone yell as they run off to the camp, following the Captain.

"Let's go!" I look at Laurius, to which he gives me a quick nod as a sign of approval.

"I'm right behind you!" Laurius follows me close behind, as we reach the camp.

"GGARH!" I see and hear one of the soldiers get clobbered by a troll.

"Time to end this!" I pull out my Greatsword, and unleash a spinning attack, wiping out some trolls in the process.

"Defend the camp at all costs!!" The Captain yells at all of us, as I get ready for more trolls.

"Understood!" I unleash an attack with my Greatsword, where I slice the enemies up into the air, and slash them back down with force.

"There's too many of them!" An female assassin yells, as she begins to get overrun with trolls.

"Ground Slash!" I slam my Greatsword into the ground, as a ripple of stones, and rocks emerge, striking each and every troll in the camp.

"I think it's over..." The middle aged man says, breathing heavily through his mask.

"Hey, Priest. I'm not going to have my treasure be taken away from me like this." The Captain gets closer to Laurius, as he begins to sweat.

"Y-You won't, sir. It'll be in your hands." He smiles, but I know that deep down, he is scared.

"Calm down, Captain. We can still get the treasure." The assassin speaks, her gaze stern yet calming.

"We better move it!" The remaining soldiers follow the Captain, as me and Laurius stay at the back of the group.

"Wait, Teroz!" I look back as I hear his sudden call.

"Yes? What is it, Laurius?" I ask the nervous Priest, his face expression was a nervous one, as if he had something he needed to get off of his chest.

"Here, take this." He hands me a glass bottle containing a red liquid, as I look at him with a confused look.

"It's a health potion, but only use it when you are in serious danger." He says with a smile, as he walks off to the group.

"Alright, I'll use it when I'm in serious trouble." I chuckle, putting it in my leather pouch, and joining the rest of them.

"Crap! A dead end..." The Captain's words were filled with nothing but frustration, and impatience.

"Maybe there's another way around?" The assassin says, with her normal stern expression.

"Hey, Priest! Use some of your magic." The Captain looks at Laurius, in a more aggressive expression.

"S-Sure, I can try..." Laurius moves in front of the group, casting a ray of light onto the stone wall. But, nothing happens as a result.

"This is pointless!!" The Captain stabs his cutlass into the ground, yelling in frustration.

I walk up to the wall, and see some ancient words carved into it. But, all of a sudden, a golden ball of light, appears in front me, beginning to circle me many times, before going into the wall. Not long after, the wall explodes, leaving an open entrance way.

"Well, looks like the rookie found a way!" The Captain smirks as he notices the entry way, and begins to walk through.

"Let's go!" The group runs through as Laurius comes to, with a perplexed facial expression.

"How did you do that?" He asks me, as if not understanding what just happened.

"Well, there was this golden ball of light that appeared in front of me, and then it went into the wall, as it exploded." I explain, only for his perplexed face to become even more confused.

"Golden ball...of light? I didn't see anything there when it happened, I only saw the explosion." I look at him with a confused look of my own. So, no one saw the golden light? Either that was my imagination, or something more divine.

"Hm, well, that doesn't matter now. It's best if we keep up with the group." I say, beginning to run to the group.

"Wait for me!" Laurius shouts as he follows close behind.

After a bit, we eventually made it back to the group, as they were at a stone bridge.

"Alright, we're getting closer! I can practically smell the treasure from here!" The Captain's grin grew wider after every word that came out of his mouth.

"Careful, Captain. Even though we're getting closer, we are still not that close either, as we don't know the exact location of this so called "mythical treasure", as we are only trusting the Priest.

"More trolls!" A sudden yell made all of us look to the opening in a forest, as trolls began to seep through.

"Damn it! RUN!" The Captain and the rest of the group ran across the bridge as I stayed behind and held them off.

"Come get me, trolls!!!" I yell as I run towards them with my Greatsword, slicing them down one by one. But somehow, more seem to appear out of the forest, no matter how many I cut down that are standing in my way.

"Captain, what about the rookie!" One of the soldiers say, pointing back to me.

"Forget about him...Zekiel! PASS THE EXPLOSIVES!" The young soldier, Zekiel does so without hesitation, as the Captain plants the bombs on their side of the bridge.

"Get back!" The Captain yells before igniting the explosives. Not too long after, a loud boom could be heard, echoing through the air.

"Wait, Captain! Teroz was back there!" Laurius says as he looks at the Captain with a panicked look.

"Forget about him, he's gone." His stern cold voice diminishes, as he walks back to the group.

"Look!" One of the soldiers point, as everyone sees me running to the bridge, jumping across it. Somehow, I manage to make it across the large gap, making me roll and land on my feet.

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