Ch 1. A new neighbor

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[Art is not made by me]

Frank Frankly's POV:

I rolled out of bed, lazily slapping my hand over my alarm clock to shut it's annoying ringing. I slip my feet into my slippers and sit up from my bed before walking over to my closet, putting my fluffy lilac colored robe on and tying the loose cincture over my waist. I'd then open my bedroom door and turn the corner into the kitchen to make myself a morning coffee.

Ring! Ring! 

My attention veered away from the coffee I was making towards my telephone that sat on the side table beside my couch. With an irritated groan I go and sit myself on the couch, picking up the phone. "Hello?..." I said in a tired voice. "Frank! Frank!" A jolly voice yelled from the other side of the telephone, causing me to briefly hold the telephone away from my ear. Of course, it was Julie Joyful, my best friend. "Morning Julie." I groaned. "You remember the new neighbor I talked to you about that arrived two days ago?" She'd chirp in a cheerful tone. "Yeah, why?" I'd respond, glancing back towards my brewing coffee. I had heard about him through the grape vine, mostly through Julie, that he was a mailman who came from down south to find a quiet place to work.

"Wellll since he finished moving all his stuff into his new post office/home, Wally wanted the whole neighborhood to go over and meet him this afternoon! How exciting is that?!" Julie cheered through the telephone, unable to contain her excitement. "Oh really? Well you can tell him I said hi because I'm not going." I'd huff.


I'd hear the coffee maker chime from across the living room. I rose up from my seat and walked back into the kitchen, thanks to my long cord, to pour my coffee into my mug that read "Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee" that was decorated with small, colorful butterflies. I'd hold the telephone up to my ear whilst sipping on my coffee just to hear Julie's whining.

"Oh come on Frank! We haven't had a new neighbor since Poppy moved into the neighborhood. Plus, maybe this could be an opportunity for you to make another friend besides me." She'd say in a sassy tone. "I talk to other people!" I'd scoff, walking back to the couch and sitting down. "Like who?"

"Uhm.. I talk to Howdy sometimes?" I could practically hear Julie roll her eyes from the other side of the telephone. "Everyone talks to Howdy, he runs the bodega!" Julie sighed. "It wont be the bane of your existence to at least make a friendly welcome to the new neighbor." I thought for a moment before responding. "Fine. As long as I don't have to talk to him afterwards." "Don't you think that will be a bit hard since he's going to be the one to give you your mail? We don't even have mailboxes set up yet!" Julie snickered. "Very funny Julie. Anyway, I have some things to attend to. Goodbye now!" I'd briefly say before quickly hanging up the telephone by setting it back down on the base with a click.

I'd enjoy my coffee a little bit more before placing my empty mug in the sink and walking back into my bedroom to get ready for the day.

Once I was fully dressed I made myself some delicious breakfast of eggs and toast with jam. Whilst I was eating my meal I kept thinking about this new neighbor. He's just a mailman, how interesting can a southern mailman be? I placed my dishes into the sink after I was finished eating my breakfast, humming along to a familiar song whilst cleaning the dirty dishes.

Julie Joyful's POV:

I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye when Frank hung the phone on me. "Rude!" I'd frown. "Why must they be so difficult at times?" I'd sigh, placing the telephone I was holding back onto its base before making my way towards my front door. I'd swing the door wide open, the fresh smell of the morning dew on the grass wafted into my house. The sun was already in the sky, casting its sunny rays onto the whole neighborhood which was now beginning to stir as my other neighbors started to wake up. I'd step outside, already dressed in my signature red dress that delicately flowed behind me as I'd skip my way down the street towards Howdy's Place. If anyone was going to make a good first impression it was going to be me!

I arrived at the bodega that Howdy ran, I opened the door that rang when it swung open. "Ah, Julie! What brings you into my store?" Howdy called over from his counter. I walked my way over to the counter. "Hey Howdy! I wanted to get the new neighbor a welcoming gift when I go to see him this afternoon. Do you know what mailmen like?" I'd question, placing my elbows on the counter and rested my head in my right palm with a sigh as I thought of any ideas of what to give this new neighbor. "Oh, well I don't know myself but perhaps maybe consider getting him some sweet snacks. Everyone likes a good treat!" Howdy said, taking one of his hands and wiping down his counter with a wet cloth. I'd lift my head up to gaze up at Howdy."Oh! That's a great idea!" I'd say with a smile, dashing off into the candy section of the store.

I'd come back holding a large bag of jelly beans. "Here," I'd say while placing the bag of jelly beans on the counter and started to dig into the pockets of my dress (major W) before slipping out a coupon and slamming it in front of Howdy with a grin on my face. Howdy reached his hand across the counter and examined the coupon, a soft smile appeared on his face. "100% off coupon. Well then, you're good to go!" "Thanks Howdy! I'll be off now!" I'd call over my shoulder while walking out proudly with my bag of jelly beans.

(Total word count: 1071)

Hopefully this first chapter is good as this is my first time writing in a good while (I am open to suggestions/help for my writing skills however)! I'm hoping to get the next chapter out in a good amount of time for y'all! <3 - TiKi

~Heart-struck by letters and butterflies~ (Eddie Dear x Frank Frankly)Where stories live. Discover now