Ch 10. Sweet Surrender

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[Art is not made by me]

Inspired by the song: "Your Stupid Face" by Kaden MacKay

(Fyi, this is a few days after the previous chapter)

Frank Frankly's POV:

It was any other normal day in the neighborhood, bright and sunny as always. I was sat on a bench surrounded by beautiful scenery; bushes full of flowers, bees buzzing around in search for sweet nectar, birds chirping to one another upon the tallest branches of the nearby trees. It was peaceful and a perfect opportunity to do my daily reading.

I grabbed the selected book I had brought with me from my satchel, flipping to the first page. I had read this particular book before; It was about a typical Romeo and Juliet type story where two people dramatically fell head over heels for each other at first sight.

I gave a strained sigh as a particular thought swirled in my mind that had been stuck there since that night. I couldn't shake it away or try to avoid it as hard as I tried. Whenever I tried to focus on the pages my mind somehow turned right back to those thoughts. Those dreaded thoughts that I couldn't escape from.

My eyes read the words plastered on the pages but my mind was elsewhere, off into those particular thoughts. I snapped the book closed. If I wasn't able to focus I might as well try to confront these thoughts instead of trying to ignore it's constant pestering in the back of my head.

I thought long and hard about it... About how people seemingly romanticize their life, constantly talking about love and passion. I knew many people who were happily in love with their significant other. It made me feel jealous how easily some people have it where people constantly flock towards them. And him. Oh how easy it was for Eddie to be so friendly with everyone he comes across, having them wrapped around his waist with meaningful embraces that I so desperately wanted unknowingly.

His compelling charm just comes so naturally to him despite his clumsy personality. How interesting that he can be so unknowingly romantic without even realizing it.. unless he's doing it on purpose--

My train of thought was broken by a familiar voice that broke the peaceful silence. "There you are Frank! I've been trying to find you." The voice spoke. I turned to see Eddie, oh and of course it had to be him just as I started to think about him as almost he can sense when my mind even mentions him.

"You were? Ah, my apologies." I spoke solemnly, placing the book I held shut beside me on the bench as I made room for the mailman to sit. He graciously took the opportunity and sat beside me with his classic, cheesy smile that I silently adored behind closed doors. "I tried to look everywhere for you," He began, "But I couldn't find you in your usual spots so I came here as a last resort. Thank the stars I did." He gave a softhearted chuckle. And oh, did that adorable chuckle make my heart flutter.

"Yeah, I wanted some peace and quiet. But I guess I could scratch that idea." I replied sarcastically while glancing off into the distance. I crossed my arms and placed them over my chest. "Awh come on, Frankie. You enjoy my company don't you?" Eddie said playfully, earning an irritated sigh from my lungs. That dreadful nickname Eddie insisted on calling me, as if he was taunting me. 

But perhaps I would be lying if I didn't enjoy it a little bit.

Narrator/no one's POV:

"I suppose I could say that I tolerate you... but I happily tolerate you." Frank huffed out. Eddie simply just gave them a soft smile. He was content just to be sticking by Frank's side as if he were a golden retriever puppy, just happy to be in the presence of them.

"Well- Hey! Don't look at me like that!" Frank said with a flustered face, giving Eddie a hard shove which didn't do much. "What on earth are you talking about Frank?" He responded in an innocent tone whilst giving a playful smirk. "You're teasing me aren't you?" Frank huffed, glaring. Eddie chuckled in response, completely disregarding their question.

"Why must your laugh be so endearing... It's annoying." They scoffed under their breath, hoping that their compliment would be unheard by him but it failed as Eddie paused to look at Frank, blush stained to his cheeks.

"You think I'm endearing? Wow, such a compliment from the grouchiest neighbor around." Eddie replied after his initial shock, back to his teasing game. "Well- don't take it the wrong way!" Frank shot back. But oh how they secretly wish he would.

"And that's the thing, you always make me say the most ridiculous things without even realizing it!" They huffed, trying to keep up their annoyed facade despite the hotness in their cheeks slowly creeping down their body.

"Is that so?" Eddie crept closer to Frank, "Well, I might say that you're quite endearing too, Frankie." The pair were so close that Frank could feel his hot breath on their face which was not helping their situation out in the slightest. It was so hot between the two (take that whichever way you will 🤭). "Eddie-" Frank managed to get out. At this point it was so difficult to even get a word out of their throat.

It was only a few seconds before the tension between both of them was too much for Eddie to handle. "Can I kiss you?" He said in a breathy voice. His hands became itchy; he just needed something, anything that Frank would give him.

Without a second thought, Frank closed the gap between them and pressed their lips against Eddie's own. Eddie practically melted into the sweet kiss, wrapping a hand around their back to support them as he leaned farther into the contact but also as a silent plea to just stay with him. Frank snaked his arms around his neck, soaking in every last bit of the moment.

The kiss seemed to last for forever until they had to break apart to catch their breaths. Frank's face flushed a deeper red as the realization hit them. They kissed Eddie... THEY KISSED EDDIE?! Eddie silently watched the reality of the situation hit Frank's face; the flustered expression plastered upon their face was priceless. Their body grew hotter under his touch and not even a word had been uttered.

Eddie began to wonder how easily it was to get Frank this flustered just by stubble flirts and intentional, soft touches (NOT in THAT way, you weirdo🤨).

"I'm sorry- I got carried away." They finally spoke, retreating his hands back to their original place, respectfully by their side. Eddie's hand remained in place, still wanting to be close. He didn't want this to end, not yet. "Don't be, it was nice." He replied with a soft smile. 

Frank's gaze flickered away from Eddie's love-filled eyes, they couldn't manage to look at him any longer without being filled with utmost embarrassment. To that reaction, he placed his other hand against their cheek, earning back the eye contact he wanted. Frank leaned their head into the soft touch. He gave them another kiss, yet this one was shorter but more intentional.

"I love you, Frank." He spoke softly once the kiss was broken, "I know it's cheesy and all but I need to know if you feel the same. We've been playing this awkward dance of love but ultimately in the end just disregarding it as something platonic. But I can't deny these feelings anymore. And I know this is a lot right now, it is for me too, and I don't expect an answer right now but... I need to know if you love me the same way I love you."

Frank sat there, momentarily stunned by Eddie's sudden confession of love for them. One moment they sat there feeling envious of Eddie's natural charm and the next falling head over heels for this man.

"You seriously don't think I don't love you after kissing you? Oh dear I hope not." Frank teased, gently placing his hands on his sturdy shoulders. Eddie softly chuckled, taking his hand away from their cheek to have it rest upon their waist. "Of course not." He said at last. Frank brought him into a warm embrace, one of sincerity.

"I love you too, Eddie."

(Total word count: 1501)

Tbh I let myself go a little bit when I was writing the kissing scene hehe~. I do apologize for the long wait for this juicy chapter but it is here ladies and gentlemen! Also, thank you for 2k+ views now! Wow, I was not expecting to double in the number of views since the last chapter! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. -TiKi <3

PS. One last thing, if I were to, hypothetically, write smutshots of other fandoms or general ideas would anyone read it or at least be interested in it? Asking for a friend here. 👀

~Heart-struck by letters and butterflies~ (Eddie Dear x Frank Frankly)Where stories live. Discover now