Ch 4. Band-aids

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[Art is not made by me]

Narrator/no one's POV:

It was a sunny, warm afternoon in the neighborhood. Friendly neighbors stirring in the neighborhood. Frank was sat outside on their porch; sitting in an old, wooden rocking chair with soft cushions. They were sat reading one of their favorite books. It was the perfect afternoon to read a book! The light breeze, the butterflies dancing around the flowerbeds, the birds sitting up on the tree's branches while singing their enchanting songs, the sun's warm rays shining down. It was absolutely delightful.

Whilst Frank was heavily invested in their reading the local mailman, Eddie Dear, came walking by to drop off the daily mail for every neighbor. When walking over to Frank's house, Eddie spotted Frank calmly sitting in their chair, book in hand. Eddie got excited; this was his chance to chat with his favorite neighbor! "Hey Frank!-" Eddie said, waving his hand. As he jogged over to greet Frank, Eddie tripped over his own shoes and fell into their flowerbed, landing with a thud.

Frank glanced up from their book when they heard their name being called, just in time to see the ever so clumsy mailman trip over his own feet and land face first into their neatly organized flowerbed. The butterflies scattered away and the birds squawked at him. "Oh my! Eddie are you alright?!" Frank said frantically, leaping up from their chair. The book fell out of Frank's hands, in this moment they weren't worried about their book.

Frank rushed to Eddie's side. "Ugh...." He'd groan, standing himself up whilst rubbing his head. Eddie snapped out of his dazed state and turned to Frank with his face red with embarrassment. "Oh-... Oh yeah I'm totally fine!" He'd chuckle nervously, brushing off his pants. "You fell right in my rose bush. You're not fine." Frank pointed out with a sigh. "Uh yeah... I didn't really mean to do that on purpose." Eddie mumbled, his gaze fell to the rose bush he had landed in which was completely bent and crushed. Frank then took Eddie's arm and dragged him out of the flowerbed and started to take him inside their house. "Wait- what are you doing? I still need to deliver mail!" Eddie said. Frank turned around sharply, both of them standing outside of Frank's door. "Your wounds will get infected if you don't get it cleaned soon. Plus, you wouldn't want to be walking around, delivering mail nonetheless, with thorns in you." Frank responded, letting go of their grip. Their gaze was serious and their voice was stern but laced with a hint of worry for Eddie's health. Does Frank really care about Eddie? Well of course, that's what neighbors do... right?

"You're right." Eddie spoke at last, following Frank inside their house. Frank walked into their kitchen and grabbed a soft cloth, running it under warm water. "Sit down on the couch." Frank ordered, to which Eddie obliged and took a seat. Frank walked over to Eddie, leaning over him; taking the wet cloth and lightly tapping it against the scratches on his face. "Make sure to stay still." Frank said, deliberately trying to avoid Eddie's gaze as he stared up at them with a longing gaze. "Ow-" Eddie hissed under his breath. "There. Now hold this while I go get some band-aids." Frank said, handing Eddie the wet cloth and walked off. Once Frank returned with some band-aids they'd place some over the scratches on Eddie's face. One over the bridge of his nose and one on his cheek.

"Alright, now I got to get those thorns out of you. Give me your arm." Frank gently held out their hand as Eddie offered his arm. Frank held his hand with a light grip, examining his arm carefully. Frank then took some tweezers and suddenly plucked a thorn out of his arm. "OW! Okay that one hurt! You didn't even give me a count down." Eddie whined, frowning. "That didn't hurt Eddie." Frank huffed.

Frank repeated this process until all of the thorns were out and yet again began to sanitize/clean the wounds, placing band-aids over them. By the end Eddie was covered in band-aids at this point. "Finally done." Frank sighed, placing Eddie's leg down and standing up. "Thanks a lot Frank." Eddie said sheepishly. "Mhm." Frank responded, taking their supplies and putting them on the kitchen counter to reorganize later. "Oh! And your mail!" Eddie dug through his messenger bag and took out a couple of letters for Frank to take. "And thank you for my mail, Eddie Dear." Frank replied, taking the mail and scrolling through them briefly before glancing back up at Eddie. "Ah- and I'm sorry again for messing up your flowerbed.." Eddie apologized. "It's fine." Frank said calmly. "Huh? You aren't mad?" He'd say, clearly shocked by this response. Usually Frank would be furious by this. 

"Of course not- ERM- I mean no. Say, you should probably get back to work; your schedule might be a bit messed up by now." Frank fumbled over their own words. "Oh my stars! You're right! I am completely off schedule!" Eddie yelped as he looked down at his watch. Eddie dashed out of the door and slammed it behind him without even saying goodbye, holding his cap on his head so it doesn't fall off as he ran off; leaving Frank in their own dazed confusion. "Goodbye to you too." Frank grumbled.

(Total word count: 957)

Sorry for the wait! But I am back from my trip so hopefully I can get back into my normal routine. I hope this is good enough for now until the next chapter comes out! But I kept thinking this was just such a cute scenario and HAD to write it! - TiKi <3

~Heart-struck by letters and butterflies~ (Eddie Dear x Frank Frankly)Where stories live. Discover now