(Bonus chapter!) Ch 11. Cupid's arrow

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[Art is not made by me]

(This is in correlation to the previous chapter!)

Sally Starlet POV:

I was peacefully skipping along a well known trail around the neighborhood, just on a casual walk like any other. I was humming a familiar song as I took in the stunning scenery which made me have to stop and admire such staggering beauty. The perfectly shaped flowers and the perfect lighting was everything!

As I was admiring the scenery when I spotted Eddie walking by, which prompted some questions to pop into my mind. I slowly followed behind the mailman, I wasn't too concerned about keeping up with his fast pace.

As I reached a bench where the mailman and... wait- Frank?! Eddie and Frank were sitting upon a bench with each other? I couldn't believe my own eyes! The two people with the most opposite personalities hanging out with each other was too interesting to not listen in on. Sure, it is a bit nosy of me but who doesn't love some good gossip?

I jumped behind a round bush just within earshot of their conversation, careful to make sure my bright rays weren't too much of a distraction to not draw any attention to myself. I peeked my eyes over the bush, watching carefully at the odd pair.

"Awh come on, Frankie. You enjoy my company don't you?" I'd hear Eddie say faintly. I couldn't help but let a gasp leave from my lips. My eager eyes continued to watch their playful banter with each other.

This isn't creepy, is it? Totally not! ...Right? Heh-

My eyes were glued onto the two as if I was watching the climax of an enticing movie. I'd watch as Eddie leaned closer towards Frank, anticipation bubbling in my chest. Random thought began to shoot around in my mind of what could possibly happen next.

I'd watch as Eddie gently held Frank in his strong arms, leaning in even closer than before. I only heard a slight mumble escape his lips before there was a short pause. Suddenly, Frank leapt up and kissed Eddie!


I had to clasp my hand over my mouth in order to not flat out scream from joy. Yet my shinning rays did not aid me at all as I began to glow brighter from my intense emotions. I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed! What did this mean? Were they a couple?

(Further from this point is behind the scenes from the previous chapter ;] )

The two give a lighthearted chuckle to one another until Frank had finally noticed my bright glow. It was inevitable at this point...

"What is that?" I heard Frank mutter in a worried voice laced with anxiety. I let out a frightened squeak from my throat as realization hit me. I jumped up and dashed away, as fast as my legs could carry me.

Once I was certain I had reached safety I let out a breath that I didn't know I needed to let go until that moment. My mind was still trying to wrap around the situation but the only thing I could think of what to do now was to go find Julie and tell her exactly what happened, she'll know what to do!

Narrator/no one's POV: 

Eddie turned too late and missed catching a glimpse of Sally (luckily). "Don't worry, I made sure that no one was following me here. I'm sure that it was just another creature of the forest hanging about." Eddie reassured Frank, turning back to meet Frank's worried gaze.

Despite Frank fully knowing that the bright glow was no normal creature that would typically roam these forests, they took Eddie's poor excuse anyways. They felt a gentle squeeze around their waist, bringing them back to reality.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Eddie said in a soft whisper; he had noticed Frank's worried expression that they had when they were lost in thought. This relaxed Frank, having Eddie in their company was just enough to keep them away from the thoughts inside their head.

Suddenly, Frank jolted away. "Oh my- I'm late to Poppy's house! We were supposed to bake pies together!" Frank frantically exclaimed, jumping up from their seat and pried away from Eddie's grasp. They started to collect their belongings, profusely apologizing to the mailman before running off in a hurry.

Eddie let out a disappointed sigh, he wishes the moment could have lasted longer yet it was beginning to get late. The mailman reluctantly rose up from his seat and started his long walk back to his home.

[Fast forward to the next day]

It was the next day and Frank was returning home from running an errand to Howdy's Place for some typical groceries. They held the paper bags in their hands, taking extra caution as to not trip and fall with the important necessities.

Out of nowhere, a blunt object shot into Frank's shoulder and caused them to lose balance. "Ack!" They grunted in surprise. Luckily, they managed to save themselves and their groceries. Frank whipped their head around at the giggling behind him.

There stood Julie and Sally giggling playfully as Sally clutched a poorly handmade bow prop in her hand and dressed weirdly, a costume perhaps. "What was that for?!" Frank said in an annoyed tone of voice, placing down the paper bags to confront the two. They knew surely when the two were together something sinister was afoot. 

Frank took a shy glance at the object which hit them. It was, yet again, a poorly handmade arrow prop colored with light pinks and reds and decorated with delicate hearts. Now the weird outfit made more sense.

"Looks like someone was struck by Cupid's arrow!~" Sally teased, waving her bow around. "What is this? Some sort of attempt to dress as Cupid and an excuse to hit people with arrows?" They picked up the arrow to accentuate their point, walking over to Sally and shoving it into her hand.

"It's not even close to February..." They muttered

"Sure, but that wasn't the whole point. We found someone who had fallen into love~" Julie sang giddily. Frank gave a questioning look to both of them, crossing their arms over their chest. "Oh please, I have no idea what sort of nonsense you're talking about" They huffed out.

Although on the inside of Frank's mind they were panicking. How did they find out? Did they accidentally have something slip out last night while they were with Poppy? Oh dear...

"I saw you! I saw you kiss Eddie!" Sally squealed, jumping up and down with excitement.

"You WHAT?! Were you spying on me?! And Julie, don't tell me you were there too!" Frank whined, lifting their hands to their head to try and aid in not having their head spin out of control.

"Of course not! Well-" Sally paused as she was cut off by Julie, "I wasn't there! Sally just told me." Julie exclaimed, earning an irritated huff from Sally. "Tattletale.." She mumbled.

"Argh!" Frank groaned with frustration, trying to calm themselves down. "Okay," They sighed at last, calm enough to respond to this ridiculousness. "Can you two at least promise to not tell another soul about this? I don't need the whole neighborhood chatting about this.."

"Promise! " The two said in sync, Julie nodded her head firmly.

"Good. Now don't cause any more trouble you two." Frank gave a strained sigh, turning back to their neglected paper bags and picking them back up in their arms. As they walked away they heard Julie and Sally mutter a reluctant 'Okay...' in agreement.

(Total word count: 1292)

This was highly requested so I decided to make it a bonus chapter despite not intending on making it in the first place but because of all of the support and how much I (platonically) love y'all I ended up writing it. I hope you enjoy it lovies! -TiKi <3

~Heart-struck by letters and butterflies~ (Eddie Dear x Frank Frankly)Where stories live. Discover now