Ch 2. A warm welcome

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[Art is not made by me]

Frank Frankly POV:

I was peacefully relaxing on my couch, reading an encyclopedia about butterflies when I heard a knock at my door. I'd grudgingly get up from my couch, "Coming!" I shouted from my living room, making sure I placed my bookmark inside the book before making my way towards my front door. I gently opened the door to only be greeted by none other than Julie Joyful herself on my porch. "Heya Frank!" She says with a wide grin on her face. "What is it this time Julie?" I'd lean against my door frame with my arms crossed whilst looking down at Julie. "Don't you remember? It's time to meet the new neighbor! Almost everyone else is waiting for you." Julie replied, gesturing towards the colorful paper bag she was holding. Right... forgot I had agreed to that. "What's that?" I'd question her, glancing down at the bag in question which had messily scribbled on it "Welcome to the neighborhood!" Julie followed my curious gaze and lifted the bag for me to see before responding "Oh this? It's a gift for the new neighbor!" Her smile only grew wider. "Right. Well let's get going then." I'd sigh, allowing Julie to lead the way where everyone else was gathered.

Once we arrived at the crowd of neighbors outside the post office Julie ran off into the crowd of people in search of Wally, leaving me at the edge of the circle of neighbors. I crossed my arms with frustration. After a few seconds I could hear Wally's voice above all of the chatter. "Everyone! I believe it is time I introduce our lovely new neighbor you've all heard about." Wally shouted, gesturing towards the post office's front door which swung open to reveal the new neighbor everyone couldn't seem to stop talking about the previous days. 

A tall, tan guy with neatly made red hair stepped out, wearing some sort of uniform. He was obviously overwhelmed with everyone wanting to talk to him. Wally interrupted everyone once again, shouting over the noise. "Everyone quiet down. Why don't you introduce yourself first?" The short man stood beside the new neighbor, looking up at him expectingly. "Ah right- I'm Eddie Dear." He'd say, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I just rolled my eyes, turning around to leave before I felt a hand grab my arm. I turned around to see Julie pulling me back into my original spot. "You promised  me that you would give him a warm welcome to the neighborhood!" She'd whine, her puppy-dog eyes looking up at me. I didn't exactly promise... "Fine." I sighed. Once Julie was reassured she'd let go of my arm.

Everyone took turns talking to Eddie while me and Julie waited at the outskirts of the crowd, talking among ourselves. During the middle of our conversation we heard a voice come towards us. "Hello. I believe that I haven't talked to you two yet." Eddie spoke. His voice was low and slightly deep with a southern drawl. Julie jumped up and wasted no time chatting up the new neighbor while I stood there awkwardly. "Here! I got this for you!" Julie handed over her poorly made paper bag to Eddie. "Oh! Why thank you..." "Julie, Julie Joyful!" She'd finish his sentence for him. "Right. I'll remember that!" He'd softly chuckle, graciously taking the paper bag and searched through it. "Oh, jelly beans! Thanks." Eddie smiled as he held up the bag of jelly beans to which Julie smiled even wider that her gift was received well.

He'd place the jelly beans back into the paper bag and took a brief glance at me only to realize I was staring back with a cold stare. "Oh, come say hi Frank!" Julie said after noticing his glance at me. I took a step forward and promptly introduced myself. "Hello, Eddie Dear. I'm Frank Frankly, it's pleasant to meet you." Eddie briefly held out his hand for a hand shake then quickly drew back once he realized I remained perfectly still, unwilling to shake hands. "Ah- Well it's nice to meet you too." Julie turned toward me with a frown, obviously unsatisfied with my attitude. "Frank-" She'd start but I cut her off before she could continue. "Look, I need to start dinner. So I'll be taking my leave." I said, swiftly turning around and walked back towards my house.

Julie quickly ran after me after a few seconds. "Frank! Why were you being so cold with Eddie!" She'd whine angrily, stomping her shoes on the pavement. "Well I just feel like it's no big deal. It's just another guy moving into the neighborhood." I huffed. In all honesty I just didn't like change, it was perfect when I moved here in the beginning when it was just a small neighborhood. I liked it when it was small and quiet and with a new neighbor that only means more ruckus. "Well you should at least apologize to him!" Julie protested. "Alright alright." Julie did have a point.. I might have been a little bit rude. "I'll apologize to him later today." I said.

Eddie Dear's POV:

I sighed whilst watching both Frank and Julie leave. "Was it something I did?" I pondered to myself before being interrupted by a large, blue, spotted dog. "Heya! Eddie right? Good! I'm Barnaby, nice to meet ya." He'd take my hand and shake it roughly before letting go. "Ah, hello-" I said, quiet shaken up by the sudden and rough hand shake. "Say, me and Wally were going to have a cook out tonight, want to join us?" I'd lift my head in immediate interest. "I'd love to! Thanks, Barnaby." I'd happily smile. Barnaby delightfully led me towards a bright red house sat right in the middle of the neighborhood, casually chatting with me about his love for hot dogs on the way there. I felt an odd aura coming from the home but I'd brush it off. It's probably just because I'm in a new environment.

When I arrived I was greeted by Wally Darling and Howdy Pillar. Howdy was busy cooking on the grill nearby while Wally came forth and sat me down at a picnic table. I reached up and took my cap off of my head. "So," Wally began "Where are you from? I mean clearly you're from down south by your accent." I was slightly startled by this question, pausing to think. "Well I am coming from my parents farm. I just can't place my finger on the exact place. Although when I was down at my parent's farm I often helped my mother, who's also a mail carrier, with delivering mail across the small town." I replied. How embarrassing that I can't even remember where I came from. Wally seemed to take extra interest in this before going on to ramble about something else. Man, does this little dude have an ego.

I spent the rest of the night enjoying myself until I realized that I probably should return back to my house. Once I returned back to my post office/house I noticed there was something taped to my door. I looked closer to realize it was an envelope. "Does someone already have mail I need to send out?" I chuckled before I realized the envelope was actually addressed to me. "Huh." I flipped open the envelope and slipped the folded piece of paper out. The letter read:

"Hello, Eddie Dear. I wanted to apologize for my rude behavior before. But, since you seemed to be out I decided to write you a letter. I hope you can accept my apology. Sincerely, Frank Frankly."

I'd softly smile, thankful that they didn't truly hate me. "I should write back! It can be my first letter I deliver in the new neighborhood." I said proudly, entering my house.

(Total word count: 1324)

I apologize if for the most part this is set in Frank's POV, I'm trying to get all the characters included in the story and possibly have other POVs besides Frank's, Julie's, and Eddie's. Hopefully I can make next chapter more interesting! - TiKi

~Heart-struck by letters and butterflies~ (Eddie Dear x Frank Frankly)Where stories live. Discover now