CHAPTER 1: A Mysterious Encounter

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The moon hung in the sky, casting its gentle light through the rustling trees. Outside Rei Akatsuki's house, there was a flurry of activity—footsteps thumped against the floor as Rei made his way to his room. With the clock showing 2:50 am, Rei sat at his study table, engrossed in coding.

The sound of a keyboard filled the room as Rei typed away, lines of code appearing on his computer screen. He clicked the refresh button, eagerly waiting for the program to load. As the loading sign reached 92%, the title "CODELESS ZONES" appeared on the screen, followed by the words "Click Enter to Start" and "Created by: Aki Kurokawa."

Exhausted but thrilled, Rei let out a satisfied sigh. "It's finally done after three years," he exclaimed, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation. He closed his laptop, carefully placing it in his bag. Determined, Rei left his room, walking through the streets with the bag slung over his shoulder, accompanied by the comforting glow of the streetlights.

Meanwhile, at Touya Nakamura's house, Rei climbed up a pipe and reached the balcony. He effortlessly slid open the door, revealing an unlocked entrance. "This idiot never locks his door," Rei thought to himself with a smirk, stepping into the room.

But something strange happened. As Rei entered the room, he felt a sudden rush of memories flooding back—the room's layout, the familiar scent, and the sound of laughter that once filled the air. The space around him seemed to blur as he relived fragments of his past.

Caught in the grip of his emotions, Rei turned around, searching for answers within the white void. "Where did the window go?" he whispered, his voice laden with confusion and unease.

His heart raced as he touched the walls, seeking an anchor in this disorienting experience. Suddenly, an ethereal sensation enveloped him, and he felt a sharp pain in his heart. The memories intensified, and he saw himself as a child, playfully running through the same room, but then witnessing a harrowing event that left a lasting scar on his psyche.

Overwhelmed by the weight of his trauma, Rei collapsed to his knees, engulfed in emotions that he had buried deep within himself. As the memories came rushing back, he felt his strength waning until he finally lost consciousness in the white room of haunting recollections.

The scene shifted to Touya's room as he woke up, startled. He switched on the light, his gaze landing on Rei. "Rei!" Touya exclaimed, rushing over to shake his friend awake, his hands trembling, and concern etched on his face.

Rei's eye fluttered open, and as he sat up, he couldn't shake off the memories that had resurfaced. He glanced to the right and then to the left, trying to regain his bearings, all the while struggling to process the profound emotional impact of what he had just experienced. Touya's concerned face came into view, prompting Rei to focus on his friend, desperately seeking an anchor in the present.

"You okay, bro?" Touya asked, worriedly.

Rei looked down at his hands, his mind still haunted by the memories they represented. "Yeah, I guess I'm fine," Rei replied, trying to muster a sense of normalcy.

Touya playfully punched Rei on the head. "When will you stop sneaking into my house like a burglar?" he teased, unaware of the emotional turmoil brewing inside his friend.

CODELESS ZONES: The Evolution of DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now