CHAPTER 3: The Battle With The Dragon

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Summoning all their courage, Koemi, Rei, and Touya prepared themselves for the daunting battle that lay ahead. With Koemi's magical prowess, Rei's swift and deadly strikes, and Touya's formidable strength and defense, they stood as a formidable team.

As they cautiously approached the intimidating presence of Azrael, the dragon's menacing gaze fixated upon them. Its scales glistened with an otherworldly aura, defying categorization into the known elemental types. It was clear that this dragon possessed powers beyond their comprehension.

Koemi, gripping her staff tightly, channeled her magical energies. "Rei, Touya, let's give it everything we've got! Remember, teamwork is the key to victory!"

Rei nodded, his twin daggers gleaming in the dim light. "You can count on me, Koemi. We'll strike with precision and agility."

Touya tightened his grip on his sword and shield, his muscles flexing. "I won't let this dragon overpower us. We'll protect each other and bring it down!"

With their resolve fortified, they launched their attack. Koemi unleashed torrents of elemental magic, casting fiery spells that danced through the air, while Rei swiftly weaved through the dragon's defenses, striking with lightning speed. Touya, acting as their stalwart shield, guarded his companions and countered the dragon's mighty blows.

The battle raged on, the clash of magic, blades, and scales filling the air. Azrael's ferocity was unmatched, its roars echoing through the depths of the dungeon. The trio fought with unwavering determination, their hearts pounding with adrenaline and their bodies pushed to their limits.

With each passing moment, the battle against Azrael intensified. The dragon's roars shook the very foundations of the dungeon, and its attacks grew more relentless. Koemi, Rei, and Touya found themselves pushed to their limits, their muscles aching and their breaths ragged.

Koemi's magical energies began to wane, her spells losing some of their potency. She struggled to conjure the same dazzling flames as before, but her determination remained unwavering. "I won't back down!" she shouted, sweat trickling down her forehead.

Rei, his swift movements slightly hampered by fatigue, fought valiantly, his daggers slashing through the air with precision. But the dragon's scales proved tougher than expected, causing his blades to glance off harmlessly. "We need to find its weak spot!" he called out, his voice tinged with frustration.

Touya, his shield battered and his sword showing signs of wear, refused to yield. He stepped forward, blocking the dragon's onslaught with sheer strength and determination. "We can't give up now! There must be a way to bring this beast down!"

As the battle wore on, the dungeon's atmosphere became stifling, suffused with an oppressive heat. The dragon, sensing its advantage, unleashed a devastating blast of searing flames that engulfed the chamber. Koemi, Rei, and Touya frantically dodged the inferno, their bodies singed and their clothing charred.

"We need a plan!" Koemi shouted, her voice strained. "Our attacks aren't having the desired effect!"

Rei nodded, his eyes scanning their surroundings. "Maybe there's something we're missing. Look for any weaknesses, any clues that could give us an edge!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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