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I slowly start waking up and moving around in my bed as i put my arm out looking for zade. Hes gone. I fully wake up and grab my phone, checking the time.


shit, I promised maya that i'd meet her today.

I quickly get up from my bed and stand up, but instead I trip and fall onto the floor, face planting. I groan but I dont bother trying to get up so I instead just call Maya, on the second ring she picks up.

"Heyy Addie, whats up?"

"werent you the one that said you wanted to hang out?" I smirk

"Oh yea, sorry about that. What time did you wanna meet?"

"is 12 good for you?" i hum

"Yea that should be fine, ill be at yours for 12 yeah?"

"alright, see you soon."


I end the phone call and i pull myself up as i head to the bathroom, I need a proper shower after last night. I turn the hot and cold tap till the water is just right and i quickly get in, closing the shower curtain. I let the lukewarm water take over me as I squeeze some shampoo into my hands, lathering it and massaging it into my scalp i sigh contently.

Grabbing the conditioner bottle, I put some conditioner on my ends of my hair. I wash my body with lavender shower gel and rinse the conditioner shortly after. Turning the water off, I grab a towel and wrap it around my body and head to my room.

I head to my wardrobe but before i could do anything else, i felt a dark presence behind me.

their arms snake around my waist as i let out a shriek and headbutt them. I swiftly turn around just to realise i just headbutted zade, who is currently groaning in pain whilst holding his nose.

"Zade! what have I told you about sneaking up on me, you scared the shit out of me" I glare at him, waiting for an answer. "Well?"

"Fuck, im sorry baby but was it necessary to fucking headbutt me?" I look at him and scoff, as i carry on going through my wardrobe looking for clothes, I have nothing to wear.

"ofcourse it was necessary, you could've been a creepy old man" i shiver in disgust at the thought.

He slowly nods and asks "Where you going?"


"With who?"

"Out with a friend zade, not that its any of your business."

He looks at me angrily before taking a step forward,

"it is my business because you're mine remember?" he growls.

I roll my eyes and sigh "fine, im going out with maya were probably just going to go shopping and get coffee"

he walks up behind me and starts trailing kisses on my neck
"Is that so?" I hum in response tilting my head to the side.

"well.." He stop and pulls out his wallet from him back pocket and takes his credit card out handing it to me. "use my card and buy whatever you want"

I look up at him and I slowly take the card from his hands "are you sure" I try to hide my grin, ill definitely be using this.

He nods "yea, but I need to head out anyway, there's some business I need to take care of"

I place his card on the side as I carry on looking for clothes "okay, I'll see you later?"

He kisses my cheek and starts walking out "for sure." A sinister grin starts growing on his face, is he not tired at all?

After a good 10 minutes I finally pick out a decent outfit
I ended up picking a black turtle neck with a pink skirt that has a plaid pattern on it paired with black knee high heels

After a good 10 minutes I finally pick out a decent outfitI ended up picking a black turtle neck with a pink skirt that has a plaid pattern on it paired with black knee high heels

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I go over to my vanity table, turning the lights on and I sit down doing my makeup.

I finally finish as I apply vaseline on my lips and grab my phone and zades card, putting it in the back of my phone case as I check the time


I grab my bag chucking my phone inside as I head outside to wait for maya. As I lock my door I hear maya pulling up so I quickly chuck my keys and head over to her

She opens the door for me and I sit inside closing it again

"You ready?" Maya asks as I turn to look at her smiling, I wave my phone showing zades card in the back of it

And with that she starts driving.

771 words

Not sure about this chapter 😭🙌🏼
I've honestly got too much spare time

Zade Meadows x Reader (Adeline)Where stories live. Discover now