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ive decided to write another chapter for you all, thankyou for all the nice comments you have all left in the comments, i honestly appreciate all of you!


A few weeks later..

im sat at the table, in silence for once as im writing another new book called 'alone, again' its where a little girl gets left by her family, so she gets put in an orphanage and eventually gets adopted but they eventually leave her aswell, leaving the girl with no hope. quite tragic really.

I tend to try and put emotion in my books as it attracts readers from all over the world, i get loads of lovely compliments and I love every second of it. Aside from that, Zades been gone all day, assuming its work as usual since he always works to save the children, its one of the reasons why I love him. I sigh before saving my work and closing my laptop.

i swiftly head upstairs to my room, shutting my door behind me. I feel like reading something today..

Scanning my room I spot the diary sitting on my sidetable I found under the rotting floorboards when I was taken by one of Arch's friends.

The girl who wrote it was called molly, i finally got to meet her the other day and she was the sweetest thing and because of her, she ave me hope. Hope that I was going to be saved and I was. Its also why im always going to be forever grateful for Zade, he's always there for me whenever I need him. He can be such a sweetheart sometimes but other times, not so much he can be a little horny devil.

As i think of him, the door downstairs creaks open and closes, a few seconds later a strong scent of smoke hits my nose, Zades back.

I stare at my door, waiting for it to open but it doesn't. weird.

I force myself up and make my way to the door as my steps grow heavier, what if its not zade? what if its some random person that randomly decided to drive all the way down to the middle of nowhere just to get me? i shake the thought from my head as my heart rate spikes up, adrenaline running through me already. 

I take a deep breath and put my dand on the door handle, slowly turning it and opening the wooden door, and behind it was zade. I let out a sigh of relief but realise he's facing his back to me and smoking in my house.

'Zade what have I told you about smoking in the house?' I narrow my eyes at him waiting for a response, he can't see anyway so it should be fine.

'Even if it's your house I sure as fuck don't care if im smoking here or not but as of today, im fucking smoking, got it?' he grumbles before taking another puff. i stare at his back in disbelief before taking a few steps around him and facing him face to face. My face softens as soon as i see his expression,hes loking down but he looks broken.

Guess ill have to worry about him smoking later. I clear my throat before speaking

'Zade? whats wrong?' my eyebrows furrow and i cup my hands onto his face to make him look at me

'What happened?' I hum and he just looks at me with a plain face, thinking I dont see it but I do. He's clearly upset about something

He moves his face away before pinching the bridge of his nose. what happened?

'we fucking lost another one, Addy.' his voice is quiet, not how he usually is.

but another one? god, i cant even imagine how he feels right now, my heart breaks for him as i stare at him

'oh Zade.. come here' i open my arms and wait for him to come to me but instead, i go to him and wrap my arms around his neck, getting up on my tiptoes to be able to reach, as my body presses against his, his tention slowly dies down. He lets out a deep sigh and wraps his arms around my waist.

'let's go lay down, yeah?' I soothingly rub his back before gently grabbing his hand and taking him to my bed.
He kicks his heavy boots off before cuddling up beside me, I hum in response and I let him cuddle up to me whilst I massage his head and eventually, we both fall asleep within minutes.


super sorry this is a really short chapter im working on it!
I'm currently in-between writing and revising and doing other stuff so trust me, I am trying😭

I love you all so much!!

Zade Meadows x Reader (Adeline)Where stories live. Discover now