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I've been sat in the chair outside on the balcony probably for the past hour or so whilst zade sorts everything out.
But how could someone just go through my house?

I don't even feel safe here anymore..

I don't even realise I'm zoning out until zade comes up behind me, gently massaging my shoulders making me jump.

"sorry princess, didn't mean to scare you" He chuckles before he speaks again

"I've cleaned and sorted everything but I've also put extra locks on your door,"

I nod and sigh, looking around at the view infront of me. Zade notices and he takes a few steps until he's infront of me, I lift my head to look up at him but he quickly grabs my waist and sits down, placing me on his lap

"seriously?" I look at him with a plain look and he raises a brow, and I instantly get butterflies.

"why are you so moody all of a sudden? You should be thanking me." He grumbles before he pushes my head into his chest as he holds me.

I smile and mumble a 'thankyou' before giving him a kiss, he tries to deepen it but I put my finger on his lips stopping him as I look at him smirking

"not right now lover boy" his eyebrows furrow as I get off of him but he grabs my waist pulling me back down

"and where do you think you're going, hm?"  I huff whilsthe whispers in my ear trying to get out of his grip

"I'm going to make food, unless you'd rather have me starve to death right here." knowing zade, he probably would just want to keep me with him forever no matter where.

"if you die, I die baby." I blush at his remark and get up again, going through my open bedroom door and down the stairs whilst zade follows quietly.

"you can't just say that, zade." I look around and everything seems to look normal. Thank God.

"Oh, but I did. And I meant it Adeline." I turn around to look at him and he's already got that hungry look in his eyes when he stares at me. I turn around again going into the kitchen completely ignoring him.

"Does a BLT sound good to you?" I don't really let him answer because I've already grabbed a pan and put it on the stove, turning it on

Zade's already occupied, he's stood there looking at his phone with his eyebrows slightly furrowed and I slightly smirk at the sight. This wouldn't be that weird if he wasn't my stalker.

I sigh as I grab the bacon from the fridge, putting a few pieces on the pan and I quickly run over to the cabinet, grabbing 4 pieces of toast and chucking them in the toaster.

"Zade could you please grab the mayo, lettuce and tomatoes for me please?"

he smirks as he grabs them and places them on the counter.

"so you do have manners, you should use them more often instead of running that pretty little mouth of yours all the time."

I glare at him as I flip the pieces up bacon letting them cook for the last few minutes.
He takes the pieces of bread out of the toaster and helps me assemble both sandwiches, I add a few pieces of bacon on each sandwich after he puts mayo and some lettuce on the bottom.

Grabbing a knife out the drawer, I start cutting the tomato but instead my fingers slip and I cut my finger instantly  dropping the knife on the counter.

"ow.. fuck." Zades eyes widen and he holds my hand placing an uncountable amount of kisses on my finger

"I'll get you a plaster, go run it under the tap for me okay?" I nod and do as I was told whilst he gets a plaster.

He comes back and grabs a paper towel, drying my finger and I watch as he concentrates whilst putting the plaster on

"there, I'll cut the tomatoes baby" I nod.
He cuts a few slices and puts them ontop of the bacon, then lettuce and finally another piece of bread, fully assembling the sandwich.

Zade carefully cuts mine in half and hands it  to me. I start eating it and so does he but his eyes are on me the entire time.

"do you mind?" I grumble, I just don't like people watching me eat. Its weird.

"No I don't." He smirks as he carries on eating but I stop and stare at him

"Zade I don't like people watching me eat."
Sighing, I turn my back to him and look out the window. Slightly feeling bad but he turns me around again

"and why's that? You're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on" He licks his lips and i can feel my face turning red.

"you can't do that" I cover my mouth with my hand as I chew and zade sighs in defeat. I smile to myself and glance at him before looking away

But I can't believe he just said that to me, no one has ever said something to heart warming to me before.


I'm so sorry I forgot to publish it this morning!!

I'll try to start the next chapter asap but I don't know if I can start tomorrow as it's my brothers birthday <\3

Love you all and hope you all have a good day


(next chapt. in progress!!)

Zade Meadows x Reader (Adeline)Where stories live. Discover now