the way you sold me for parts

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Chapter eight

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Chapter eight

The tournament game is today. Mal already gave Ben the love spell cookie and was able to observe the effects in action by the lockers with Jay. As of now, Amelia, Mal, and Evie joined everyone else from Auradon on the bleachers as they watched the game to support the boys. They were disappointed because the boys didn't play much of the game and were left wondering if they would participate at all.

Amelia glanced around and noticed other girls cheering for the names of their partners while wearing their boyfriends' jersey numbers. She considered it to be among the cutest things. She had memories of a few days ago when she had Jay's jersey on. She might be one of those girls someday.

Mal drew her attention by pointing out that Carlos and Jay were about to play for real, which made her happy because they were looking forward to seeing it.

When Ben received the ball from Jay after Carlos had blocked an opponent, the game really got interesting.

"Woah, yes, Carlos", Amelia shouted.

As Jay begins successfully dodging everything that is thrown his way when he was in the "kill zone". He passes the ball to Ben, who after a short period of time passes it back to him. He shoots it in from close to the goal, but the defender blocks it.

"Ugh, this game is so stressful," Evie said to the girls as they agreed as they watched the game.

The game became more frantic because time was running out. Jay is in possession of the ball as he avoids other players and assists Carlos from the ground. Both of them pass through the "kill zone" as Carlos blocks them both with his shield. The ball is sent to Carlos' shield by Jay, who then climbs over Carlos to pass the ball to Ben, who scores a goal by shooting it into the goal.

Auradon won! Everyone in the bleachers stood up from sitting to celebrate.

"Our boys did it!" Amelia exclaimed in excitement to the girls. As they cheered together.

On the field, the boys had the exact same excitement especially for their first game.

Ben disconnected with his teammates, waking up to the announcer to grab the mic.

"There's something I'd like to say!" Ben says to the mic for the crowd to hear. The crowd waiting for him to continue as he glanced around nervously. "Give me an M!" he exclaims. The whole crowd shouts "M" as they do the letter with their arms. "Give me an A!" he exclaims. As the crowd does the same thing as before. "Give me an L!" he exclaims.

Amelia and Evie both gave a shocked look to Mal who held the same kind of look.

"What does that spell?!" he asks the crowd. "Mal!!" the crowd shouts as a response. The people around the girls started glancing at her.

"C'mon, I can't hear you!!" Ben yells. "Mal!!" the crowd shouts even louder than before.

"I love you, Mal! Did I mention that?" Ben asks looking at her, finding her in the crowd. As Mal looked like she wanted to hide and disappear at this moment.

Amelia muttered to Evie, who smiled and nodded, "I don't know if I should be loving this moment or not knowing the cause, but the grand gesture is kind of cute."

"Give me a beat!" Ben exclaims, pointing to the band as they started a beat for him. 

Once they did, everyone in the crowd starting dancing to the beat which was really catchy. "What was in that cookie?" Evie asked the girls who had no clue truly.

Ben begins singing a song for Mal while his teammates join in, smiling and dancing. It was such a precious and adorable time. Even throwing his jersey to her, she managed to catch it. He surfed into the crowd later in the song to meet Mal. He then reaches to kiss her, but she stops him using his jersey to block.

Audrey makes her way to grab the attention of Ben announcing how her new boyfriend is Chad and how he was her new date for Coronation before kissing him. Evie's demeanor suddenly changed to one of despair as she looked down. As Evie leaned into her, Amelia quickly noticed and wrapped her in her arms.

Ben asks Mal to coronation which she says yes to mic as the crowd cheers and Audrey leaves mad. 

Jay comes running up the stands. "Let's go, Ben! The whole time is waiting for you!" as he grabs Ben as they both heading down to meet with the team.

After Mal finishing being caught up in the moment, she notices the girls quickly putting the pieces together. 

"I feel really bad for Audrey," Mal spoke up, bringing Evie out of her thoughts. "You do?" she asked. 

"I feel like if she were talented like you, and she knew how to sew, knew beauty tips, that she wouldn't need a prince to make her feel better about herself."

Evie giggled. "I guess I am talented."

"Or knowing your kindness and sweet soul," Amelia said looking at Evie who just giggled even more.

After a short while, people began to leave. Mal remarked that she needed to do something, and Evie mentioned that she needed to do some short studying for her class. As Amelia searched for the boys. Before abruptly parting ways, the girls exchanged hugs.

She quickly located them after becoming aware of their presence. She sprinted over to them and gave them a tight group hug. Carlos spoke somewhat breathlessly, "Ames, I know you are happy for us, but you are kind of crushing us." At this, Jay laughed. Amelia abruptly released them and said, "I'm so sorry but you guys killed it- I mean where do I even begin- I'm just so proud of you guys!" The guys simply grinned at her in recognition of their accomplishments. She says, "Okay, let's go," as Jay wraps his arms around her shoulder, leans on it, and she wraps her arms around Carlos' arm as they happily leave.

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